After playing the final match of her career at the 2019 French Open, Lucie Safarova is kicking off her retirement with baby news — the Czech former doubles No.1 and five-time doubles Grand Slam champion is pregnant with former NHL player Tomas Plekanec. What a lovely addition to my WTA Players and their Love Partners page!
The 32-year-old Safarova announced the news by posting the above photo on Instagram and saying:
When I finished my career, I was thinking whether I would miss the happiness of winning… Now I know there is much bigger happiness in life! When I first saw the pumping heart of our baby on ultrasound, it beat it all! We are very excited with Tomas Plekanec that our family is growing! #baby #expecting #family #happy
Plekanec published the same photo and commented:
Another big chapter… very happy we are expecting a baby with Lucie Safarova! I went through lots of ups and downs in my hockey career and in my life. Not everything went as I planned to, but when you get through it something nice comes up! #exciting #matyas #adam #happy
Lucie posted the above photo on Instagram during her last tournament on the WTA tour, the 2019 French Open.
As you can see by Plekanec’s hashtags, he already has two children, sons Matyas and Adam, from his marriage with Czech singer/actress Lucie Vondrackova, whom he has still not officially divorced. As I understand the Czech media, last summer there was some speculation whether it was Safarova who ruined the marriage, but the 36-year-old Plekanec explained that at the time he started dating the tennis star, he and his spouse had already been estranged.

According to iDNES, Safarova was aware of her pregnancy already in April, before the Porsche Tennis Grand Prix where she played the women’s doubles final.
Congratulations, Lucie! I’m wishing you to nail that retirement like Ana Ivanovic! 🙂
What a beautifful couple. I wish all the health to Lucy and her unborn child. Too bad that she had to seduce married man to acomplish this beautiful thing. She now left two children of this man without complete family. I hope it is worth it and better luck to her with Thomas than Lucy Vondrackova had. I guess she will have to live with image of him leaving her with her child for another woman… What goes around, comes around…
Judge, as I mentioned in the article, his marriage was over before he met Lucie, only technically he’s still not divorced. That’s how I understand some articles I read in the Czech media.
I am not sure what you mean by technicaly not being divorced. He is not divorced. He was not divorced when he left his wife for Lucy Safarova 1 year ago. He was not divorced even two years before that, when he was going to tournaments to watch Safarova and his wife was taking care of their 1year old baby at their home. This is how I understand the situation… I wonder how his sons see this situation? Do you think they say: it is ok, our dad is technicaly divorced so it is fine that he made new baby with some other lady… well 7 and 4 year olds are very sofisticated nowadays;-)
Judge, the relationship between people is important, not the paper, be it marriage or divorce. Divorce can last several years, for various reasons, but that doesn’t mean that the people who are still technically married are not allowed to move on. I am just saying that Lucie is innocent here, if what I read in the media is correct, as the guy was separated from his wife when he started dating her.
Plekanec announced his divorce with Lucy Vondrackova one day and three days later he announced relationship with Lucy Safarova. I am sorry but after 8 years of marriage, and with two kids in the picture, this is not “being technicaly divorced”. Only two people know when they started dating, Lucy Safarova and Tomas Plekanec. Pictures of them being seen together go way back before the anouncment of divorce. I do not know if Lucy Safarova is innocent, but I have my doubts… still I wish all the best to the new baby as well as the other kids of Thomas.
Judge, yes, but that is the day he announced his divorce, he may have been living apart from his wife for two years. I don’t know when they really separated, but I’m just saying.
Okay. Am I the only one confused with this story? I thought Lucy S. was in a homosexual relationship with a woman and they have a child together from some man’s seed. What in the world is going on here? I agree w/Judge. I am married and have been for 40 years, and I understand the laws of marriage both in the eyes of God and man. You are still legally and lawfully married until a divorce is finalized; separation is not divorce, as they are not synonymous. When you have sexual relations/intimacy with someone other than your spouse, you have committed adultery. But back on my original inquiry: Wasn’t this tennis player, Lucy, in a lesbian relationship not very long ago and the birth of a child announced on this site? Am I confusing her with some other female tennis player? Help, Marija!
The Real Deal, oh my, you totally confused her with Casey Dellacqua:
Whew! Well now, that’s good to know. Thanks for clearing up my confusion about Lucy, Marija.
I agree with Marija. It would be nice if divorces, separations and relationships between people always happened in a timely, proper and organized fashion. But in reality, they just don’t, regardless of marriage laws and religious views. Nobody, except for the parties involved, knows what happened and how it happened. For all we know, it could have been Lucie V who wanted the separation/divorce (As a Czech star with her own singing/acting career, I hardly think she was sitting at home alone with the kids the whole time). I’m also sure that Tomas didn’t give the media an up-to-the-minute play-by-play of the downfall of his marriage because he wanted to keep their private life private, which means that we didn’t find out about any of this until much later. So, I think that suggesting Lucie S is solely to blame for everything is a bit simplistic and naive. There’s more involved here than we can possibly know. But regardless of what happened, I’m happy for Lucie S, who has always been an exemplary, respectful and good-natured person both on and off the court. I hope that everything turns out for the better for everyone involved, including Lucie V and the children!