Ana Ivanovic and Tommy Robredo in love?


According to a Serbian tabloid newspaper called Svet, tennis beauty Ana Ivanovic and Spanish world number eight Tommy Robredo are in love.

Everything started at this year’s Australian Open. Tommy Robredo is a close friend of Novak Djokovic, who is, as we all know, Ana’s very good childhood friend. Robredo started hitting on Ana, but she didn’t take him seriously since he’s famous for being a joker. But now, at the US Open, the Serbian beauty has succumbed to the charm of the Spaniard realizing that his love signals are for real. In addition, the 19-year-old Ivanovic has her mother’s support, which was concluded because of the fact that Robredo was watching Ana’s match against Vera Dushevina while sitting in the VIP, not far from Ana’s mother.

Moreover, from now on Ivanovic and Robredo will be training in the same city, in Barcelona. This is just a coincidence, since the decision that Ana starts training in Spain instead of Switzerland was made before the love between the two occurred.

I’m sorry for all you men out there who are disappointed by this news. But there is hope — maybe it’s just a rumor.


  1. Did you actually see Robredo at her match or are you just quoting the tabloid? That would be interesting, cause I remember that day I wanted to watch her match and Tommy wouldn’t get out of my screen. His match was over in the middle of the second set.

  2. I watched the match, but I don’t remember seeing Robredo. Although, now that I think about it… I can recall the commentator just mentioning Robredo, or maybe it’s my imagination… I’m really not sure. 🙂 All in all, my source was the tabloid.

  3. Guys…. you’re totally off the map on this one. Tommy Robredo is gay. On Tennis Channels “Open Access” he was featured and during the show was shown at a dinner party with his best friend (Reichen Lehmkuhl) – check him out on wikipedia: anyway, there is NO reason for Reichen and Tommy to be best friends other than Tommy being gay… there’s no way their paths would cross… hope they’re actually a couple… if you don’t believe me, check out the Open Access episode featuring Tommy next time it’s on…. shame we live in a world that a world class athlete can’t live his life openly… but neither did jan-michael gambill….

  4. Robredo being out to dinner or being friends with a gay man doesn’t necessarily prove he’s gay. Why? Because in Spain gays have the same rights as everyone else it’s a too liberal country in that regard. Therefore it could have been business or other. Since it is against the law there to rebuff or discriminate against gays and Lesbians Robredo could have been friendly. There is no cultural stigma in Spain for being gay. An athlete is not going to lose endorsement deals or popularity. Therefore if a person were gay it is easy to simply come of the closet. So why doesn’t robredo just admit it? No need to keep silence. Being in the company of a gay person, being friendly with them or touching them doesn’t make one gay. It’s not a virus.

  5. How do you know if this story isn’t made up to enchance the “sexy/beauty image of ana ivanovic? How do you know ana isn’t a big 6 ft. dyke hiding in the closet? Her whole existence and success is built upon her looks and image marketing her to men as a glamorous straight sex goddess. Her career would end if it were known ana ivanovic were a lesbian. How do you know if this stuff isn’t made up to link her name to attractive male athletes to keep up a false image that create for her to make $$$$?

  6. Oh, come on Janie, Ana is not lesbian, and it’s not that her whole existence was built on her beauty. People talk a lot about her beauty, but she herself is actually not emphasizing it a lot.

  7. She is emphasizing it A LOT. She’s always in magazinesm, shows and off court appearances draped somewhere posing seductively with a come hither look. Anna Kournikova was butchered for her excessive off-court pursuits that promoted her image as sex symbol. Also I repeat you don’t know that anna ivanovic is not a lesbian or a bi-sexual. You haven’t any access to her sex life. Just because she takes sexy photos doesn’t prove she’s straight. I’m not saying she’s 100% lesbian. I’m just smart enough to understand that every player in the game has an image that is marketed for them. Agassi said everything ever written and spoken about him during his pro career was a lie to preserve or promote an image. It is the same today. Some players like Jelena Dokic have negative sleazy images designed to prevent them from being popular or gaining endorsements same with mary pierce. Others are carefully promoted as perfect, beautiful champs. My point is that the public know NOTHING about the real players behind the cardboard images built and marketed for them. I’m discerning enough and old enough to know better than to believe what fed to me by tennis publicity or any other form of sports marketing.


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