Win autographed picture of Jelena Jankovic or Ana Ivanovic


Win autographed picture of Jelena Jankovic and Ana Ivanovic

The time has come for the lovely readers of Women’s Tennis Blog to get a little tennis present!

I’ve been in contact with Kevin, the editor of the Sony Ericcson WTA Tour’s website, and he was so kind as to provide me with a signed picture of Jelena Jankovic to give to one of my lucky readers. We’re having a very good cooperation, so I suppose there will be more nice surprises from the Sony Ericsson WTA Tour via Women’s Tennis Blog.

As for Ana Ivanovic’s signed picture, the story is the following: As you probably know, I’m a huge fan of Ana Ivanovic’s website, and logically of the team behind it. It was a long time ago that they kindly sent me an autographed picture of Ana, and I have to say they were absolutely amazing, sending me the picture within days of my request. However, only now am I distributing it further, but better late than never. 🙂 I was waiting for the right occasion.

You can become eligible to win either of the two autographed pictures of Serbian tennis stars by answering the following question correctly:

How many weeks have Ana Ivanovic and Jelena Jankovic combined spent on top of the Sony Ericsson WTA Tour singles rankings?

I know the question is not too easy, so let me help you a bit: It’s a round number!

Please, submit your answers in the comments section of this post. Where it asks for your e-mail, please provide a legitimate one, as I will contact you via that e-mail.

Two of the lucky winners, chosen randomly, will each receive one of the signed pictures.

The competition will last until Saturday, August 15, 7 pm Central-European time. The winners will be contacted shortly after.

Good luck and thank you for participating! 😉


  1. My answer to the question: Ana Ivanovic and Jelena Jankovic have spent a total of 30 weeks as the world number one.

    I’ve did my research, and I think it’s correct. Anyway, It’s nice to see you giving your readers gifts! I love you and your website. 🙂

  2. right answer is 30.
    i would like to win jelena’s autograph, cause i know this girl, who’s crazy about her and i would like to make her happy

  3. poo i’m third. But the correct answer is a total of 30 combined weeks as number one. Jelena Jankovic – (my favorite!) had it for 18 weeks (17 consecutive) and Ana Ivanovic had it for 12 consecutive weeks.
    – Macho Nacho

  4. the answer is 30 weeks that the have spent combined at the number one spot. I love them both so much!!

  5. hahahaha yes it’s 30! they spent 30 weeks as number one. 12 ivanovic(from Jun 9, 2008 to Aug 10, 2008. 9 consecutive, and the 3 more (from Aug 18, 2008 to Sep 7, 2008)

    and jelena was number one for 18 weeks. 1 week (from Aug 11, 2008 to Aug 17, 2008) and then 17 consecutive weeks (from Oct 6, 2008 to Feb 1,2009)

  6. Wow this is great! Together Ana Ivanovic and Jelena Jankovic have spent 30 weeks as the world number one. Jelena Jankovic for 18 weeks (1 week and then later 17 consecutive) and Ana Ivanovic for 12 weeks (9 consecutive and then 3 consecutive). 😀

  7. Well, I looked it up then discovered all the comments already posted did the work for me! The answer is 30. Hoping to win the photo of Ana! 🙂

  8. the answer is 20 =) thank you for this oppurtunity =) i love visiting your blog,its my homepage it keeps me updated with all the players especially ana since im a big fan ,,thank you so much!

  9. Teerin, I hope that this trend of giving gifts will continue in the future. It’s always a pleasure to award my readers. I hope the WTA Tour will be willing to send me more signed objects and stuff.

    Vidbor, if you win, I’ll consider giving you the picture of JJ.

    Macho Nacho, don’t worry about being the third, I’ll choose the winner randomly anyway.

    Rebecca, the same for you as for Vidbor – if you win, I will try to give you the picture of Ana.

    Tina, thank you so much for your kind words. I hope you’ll continue to enjoy my work, and I’ll continue to give the best of myself.

  10. o thanks Marija! thank you so much for this 🙂 Your website is the first place I go to for WTA News! 😉

  11. It’s my pleasure guys when I see you happy. 🙂 I hope that in the future I will have some outfits or signed rackets to distribute! 😉

  12. Hi. Congratulations for organizing the event!
    Is it open to anyone? (is there any country restriction?)

  13. Zdravo Marija,

    Thank you so much for organizing such an event…I’ve been following this blog since it was created…

    everyone who has put 30 weeks is correct! I’ve checked the calculations and Macho Nacho is completly correct…

    all the best Maria…and I will keep promoting and reading your articualte articles!

    I would love to win one of the pictures signed!! But, nevertheless checking your site daily is a privalege on its own

    Sve najbolje!

  14. Wow this is awesome!
    Ana Ivanovic and Jelena Jankovic have a total of 30 weeks in being world number 1. Ana was on for a total of 12 weeks, and jelena for a total of 18!

    Would love the Ana Ivanovic one 🙂
    Shes my second favourite – im sure you know who mmy favourite is marjia!

  15. The answer is 30 weeks of consecutive combined weeks as world No. 1 for both athletes.

    Good luck to everyone and congratulations for the winner.

  16. Ha, spent all that time working it out and the answer was on this page all along – 30 weeks! 18 for Jelena (17 1) and 12 for Ana (9 3).

    Thanks for the competition:-)

  17. Louise, thank you, I hope I will! 🙂

    Moment0, the competition is open to everyone.

    Phaura, good lucK!

    Bb, really? And it’s only now you’re commenting? Oh oh. Thank you for promotion, it’s always welcome. ;D

    Jacob, I hope I will also have something from Serena Williams in my possession. Maybe she’ll send me her book, haha. I’m gross.

    Hcfoo, hey, you forgot to enter the answer! Why miss the opportunity, you could be the winner too.

  18. The response for this is amazing! Forgot to say thank you Marija – a great competition from such a great site. 🙂

  19. Errr, sorry for the double post. Hey, thanks for your answer, I’ll say -what a surprise- 30! Good luck to everyone!

    Anyway, many people in there. I suppose you deserve it 🙂

  20. Slobodan, you’re welcome!

    Bróna, thank you for your ongoing support for my work!

    Moment0, no problem for the double post. I’m so glad this competition is a success and is urging a lot of readers to write their first comments on Women’s Tennis Blog.

  21. The answer is 30 weeks !! You’re very nice to do that !! It’s very generous ! congratulations for that !! Your site is just amazing !!

  22. i think this has been the most commented article ever right, marija? good luck to everybody.. thanks marija for the prizes!!

  23. A total of 30 weeks! I’m a huge fan of Serbian players! Although they aren’t really performing up to mark recently, I’m sure they will bounce back like former world no. 1s in no time! Thanks for coming up with these prizes! =)

  24. Daryl, thank you.

    Nacho, I think it’s in Top 3. By the end of the competition it should reach the top I beliebve. 🙂

    Jacob, I hope something from Serena will reach me.

    Nat, I can’t say I’m believing in that revival much.

  25. the answer is 30. ana ivanovic spent 12 weeks at number 1 and jelena jankovic spent 18 weeks at number 1 🙂


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