Maria Sharapova’s dress for Australian Open 2012 + new Adidas clothes


Off-season is time for looking back on the tennis year behind, and we’re doing that by our reflections and analysis, but it’s also the time of preparation for the next year and sports designers are already working hard, actually numerous models that the WTA stars are expected to wear in 2012 have already leaked.

Maria Sharapova is expected to go for white with green details for the Australian section of the season.

As for Adidas, this week the brand launched their new Barricade 7.0 shoes and in the promo Andrea Petkovic showcased several pieces from the Adidas’ new collection, in purple, light blue and red. I was confirmed that those are the designs we’ll be seeing on the courts in 2012.

In addition, yesterday I came across dresses possibly intended for Caroline Wozniacki‘s and Ana Ivanovic‘s 2012 Australian Open.

These two we might see on Wozniacki next year.

And these might adorn Ivanovic’s body in the season ahead.

Do you happen to have any insider info about the future tennis outfits? Any confirmations?

UPDATE: I’ve just come across this photo of Ivanovic on Facebook, which confirms that her 2012 Australian Open outfit will be the peach and red dress.


  1. I think the outfits are nice, there’s nothing not to like basically. Since having her own collection, Maria’s outfits seem a lot more sporty, unlike dresses she wore in for example 2007 and 2008, which is kind of logical.:) But i gotta say, although this is very cute and pretty, i like Maria more in something more elegant. This dress looks to me like smth Serena would wear. Stella’s designs are again repeating, but hey- at least one dress has colour.:D I hope Caro will wear the red version. As for Ana’s dress, that stripe from the side is a little bit strange, but overall it is cute. And it reminds me a bit of her balloon dress in 2008.

  2. I know that a lot of people are going to say this is boring and such, but it looks clean cut and the slits in the ribs give it a spacey look. I don’t know, I like it. At least the older she gets, she still keeps her modesty, unlike Venus, who the older she gets, the more risque her dresses are. (I love the Williams, but skin colored underpants?)Venus’s US Open dress was beautiful and elegant. I like the Stella dress, just don’t know how Caroline is going look in it.

  3. Maria’s dress is a bit too plain but at least it looks more like a tennis outfit than what she usually wears.
    Caroline’s dress is a bit revealing, with all the jumping and running on the court …hmm,this could be dangerous:-P
    Ana’s dress is OK,nothing special though.

  4. I actually don’t like the red/peach red/white adidas dresses at all.. but perhaps when I see it on someone like Ana it gives a better idea than this flat image.

    I do like the red Stella dress, but it is indeed a lot like the grey 2010 dress (with the yellow bra). Too bad, because in the beginning there was such innovation (or fresh insights as you wish) in her designs..

    Can’t wait till the down under season 🙂

  5. I like the Adidas dress that I expect Ana to wear because I’m a fan of those unlikely color combinations, such as beach and red for example, and I like the vintage look that those colors bring.

  6. I like maria and caroline’s dresses.. ivanovic’s one is not my style!
    stella’s red dress looks like mouling rouge but it’s cool 🙂

  7. I like Sharapova’s and Ivanovic’s outfits most. I think the red dress will look good on Caroline aswell. Marija, will you be doing any of your famous retrospections? 🙂

  8. Maria Sharapova looking too hot and sexy and more popular. I think the reason behind her popularity is that she has managed her figure very well.

  9. Bróna, are you missing them? 🙂 Yes, I will start with the retrospections, as of next week.

    Brenda, thanks a lot for the video! Hm, the dress looks a bit flat, unfinished.

  10. Marine, I’m not sure, I think Ana’s dresses suit Ana much better. I believe Caroline looked the best in simpler Adidas, like the clothes Andrea is wearing. Two-piece outfits work better on her.

  11. I think Masha dress is really very similar to 2010 Us open dress worn by Caro. I mean the same structure. the pannels on the sides, fitted to the body…anyway we have to wait to see them all

  12. ITS GOOD YOU’VE MENTIONED ALL THESE PLAYERS HERE – ANA, MARIA, WOZ ETC THEIR PRETTY DRESSES, UNFORT NONE OF THEM WILL WIN THE AUSSIE OPEN 2012 they’ll be beaten into pulp and submission by none other than Clijsters or Serena or Kvity!!

  13. Kris, I don’t know anything about fashion but I really think that your comment is extremely useful for the sake of this article. Thanks for your contribution!

  14. AND THE WINNER OF THE AUSTRALIAN OPEN2012 IS: EITHER SERENA, CLIJSTERS OR KVITOVA, so much for discussing fashion for people without BIG game. we know who the first players to introduce fashion to tennis are – so bleh bleh for the rest!!!!
    I would rather pick Stosur over Masha who looks like a giraffe in her outfits, too lanky and like a boy with no feminity LMFAO

  15. Serena’s Dress is nice…I like the blue!!! It reminds me of the cornflower blue dress she wore when she last won the AO.

  16. Maria always looks like one of those boring house wives at the tennis club. Her dresses never pop. Seem fit for her personality


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