Women’s Tennis Blog celebrates fifth birthday!

New tennis shoes 2025

Unbelievable, it’s been five years already! When I started blogging on March 31st, 2007, it was just an interesting new activity to fill my abundance of free time and I never even imagined that I would welcome the spring of 2012 still updating Women’s Tennis Blog. But here it is, I am celebrating the fifth anniversary, and the best thing is that I am not enjoying the festive time alone, as over the half a decade I have gathered hundreds of tennis fans and dozens of them have become real friends of me and my blog.

You know that I love making my readers happy and what better opportunity to add excitement and one more big simile to a reader’s face than the celebration of the fifth birthday. This time around I will present one luckly reader with tennis-themed bling bling 🙂 Stay tuned, the giveaway will be announced in the next post, in a few moments, but before that I would like to express my gratitute, you know, Oscar-style. 🙂

Firstly, I would like to thank my ex-boyfriend who talked me into starting blogging and who helped me make the website. Then I’d like to thank all the fellow tennis bloggers who were the first to recognize my efforts and spread the word about my work. Then the readers came, and I can say with delight that a lot of those early readers are still with me. I would like to thank all the visitors of Women’s Tennis Blog, from those old ones to the newcomers.

The greatest wealth of Women’s Tennis Blog are its readers who make the blog alive by commenting and giving suggestions, who correct me when I make mistakes, who defend me when I am attacked, who contribute to my blog by writing articles, sending photos and autographs from tournaments, who answer my initiatives, inform me when something on the site is not working, etc. Therefore, THANK YOU, READER! As long as you are here, my presence here has meaning.

And now, let’s announce the competition for the award! 🙂


  1. Congrats on the blog’s fifth birthday Marija. Your blog has always been one of the best and I know it will continue to be. It won’t be long until you’re celebrating ten years! 🙂

  2. Congratulations Marija! It must be fun managing a thriving 5 year old 🙂

    Your post has brought a big “simile” on my face and I hope I am among the “luckly” winners this time around 🙂
    (Are you also going to post to “damn you autocorrect”? 😉 – heehee)

  3. Haha a thriving 5-year-old 😀 You’re making fun of my typos? 🙂 You know, I type so much that I’ve become too relaxed and speedy 🙂

  4. Thank you, Neal. Most of all, thank you for all the wonderful photos you’ve been providing me with!

  5. Tulp, my mother? Why’s that? Do you know her? I will say hello to her! 🙂

    Karunya, Diane, thank you so much. Join the contest for the necklace. 😉


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