Agnieszka Radwanska and Jerzy Janowicz advertize mobile carrier Play

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Agnieszka Radwanska and Jerzy Janowicz

Jerzy Janowicz got together with another Polish women’s tennis star! No, he hasn’t broken up with Marta Domachowska, he just partnered with fellow top player from his country Agnieszka Radwanska for a commercial for mobile provider Play and their 4G LTE campaign.

Radwanska and Janowicz

Watch the ad!

(via The Slice)


  1. I like the video ad and individual shot of each player but the one were Jerzy is hugging Agnieszka kind freak me out little. The smile and the overly photoshop image look not normal.

  2. I liked the video too though I have absolutely no idea what they’re saying. But the photo is kinda creepy because it looks so fake. It would be much better without photoshop imo.

  3. Tenniz-Fan Jerzy keep saying the world “SPEED” and Agnieszka is saying “TECHNIC” which reference to LTE 4G cause it offer greater speed and I don’t know how technic is imply but I am going guess the coverage they it offers for services.


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