Both Maria Sharapova’s US Open 2010 dresses revealed


Sharapova US Open Day Dress (1)Maria Sharapova US Open 2010 Nike dress

Now we know what Maria Sharapova has prepared in her closet for both day and night matches at the 2010 US Open. You may already be familiar with the Nike Striking Court Day Dress from the Striking Clothing Collection, but now we get to see the deep purple dress for night matches as well.

Interestingly, the night dress is not the same as the day one just in different color, the design has been changed too. They followed the same style, sleeveless upper part with the collar, but they disposed of the buttons and the hem in the bottom part.

With tennis dresses you can never say with certainty what you like or prefer until you see the actual design in action, but from these pictures I would tell the night dress is nicer and follows the shape of the body better. Somehow I always prefer night dresses, probably because they are more elegant.


  1. Took the words right out of my mouth Marija, I prefer Maria’s night dress-I love that color. But I also don’t like the cut of either dress. I hate the collar on the green dress and I don’t like the sewing around the chest area on the purple dress… But we’ll see when it’s actually on her.

  2. I think the night dress is going to look great; I’ve been waiting for her to wear a dark blue at night in New York. I think that once it is on her, the collar will have a kind of “tuxedo” look.

  3. Lilly, I actually like the sewing on the purple dress. 🙂

    Jacob, yeah, I saw it last night, but I had to go to sleep. I’ve just shared it on WTB. 😉

    Diane, I believe Maria will look perfect under the NY lights in that dress.

  4. LuLinQa, thanks for showing us the dress on Maria. It looks ok, but in the pic it seems the collar is making her shoulders look even wider.

    Jacob, hahaha

  5. doesnt maria sharapova nike night dress look close to colour of taylor swift dress on her new album is maria going into the music business can she sing its like serena williams gatecrashing last years MTV award show are tennis players holding a secret

  6. FACEBOOK FANS FOLLOW the money what does maria sharapova NIKE shoes look like after all maria will look fantastic day or night whatever she wears

  7. My initial impression is that I dislike both dresses. Her past US Open dresses have been far nicer. I prefer the night dress, because I like the colour better but the collar is the part that I dislike the most. I think that they will look far better when we see them on her though, because that’s usually the case with her dresses!

  8. Anyone know where I can buy the night dress? I like both (evening one more). The only place that has the day dress is and I can’t find the night dress anywhere :/ Please help!

  9. Millie, I also checked the Nike website and it’s still not available there.,pwp,c-1 100701/hf-10001 4294966998/t-Maria_Sharapova_Collection#l=shop,pwp,c-1 100701/hf-10001 4294966998 50151/t-Maria_Sharapova_Collection/ipp-48/pn-1/so-publishDate|desc

    Only the day dress. I’m sure it will be at retail soon.

    Teri Darrell, above, is stating that you can already buy them online, I’m not sure that’s the case.

  10. horrible design,the only outfit that suited her was the summer hardcourt outfit.She will lose early again at the Open


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