Maria Sharapova and Novak Djokovic practicing for Wimbledon together?

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Australian Open champions Maria Sharapova and Novak Djokovic were spotted together on the Wimbledon practice courts, but we don’t know whether they were practicing, having a friendly chat, or something else.

Masha and Novak do all sorts of things together: play soccer, party, do charity, share practice courts, to name a few. And don’t forget that Sharapova likes to support Djokovic from the stands.

BTW: Other players also practiced for Wimbledon, of course, but Novak and Maria are the most interesting to watch. 🙂 Two more photos after the cut.


  1. Mmmmm…
    Orthodox connection, definitely!!!

    All you gotta do is “bounce” it,
    To see just what goes where,
    There ain’t no way around it,
    So I have come well prepared…

    Yeah yeah yeah…Novak…Masha…

  2. great! thay are so good friends! i like tham very much! thay can be the great cuple!!!!!!!!!!! it is perfect if thay are togather! GO MASHA AND NOVAK!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. um ok, why don’t u people take care for your life, isntead chearing nole and masha to be together, it’s like i m reading theese comments and it’s like all u do in a long day is dreaming how would they look as couple….what do u personaly have if they are to hook up?


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