Ana Ivanovic praises Jelena Jankovic’s No.1 ranking


Ana Ivanovic is not among those who believe that Jelena Jankovic hasn’t rightfully occupied the top of the rankings.

Here’s what one Serbia’s tennis star says about the other:

Jelena is obviously a great player. Whoever gets to number one deserves it. It was a very, very close race for the number one position. I think she was tough and the most consistent of all of us and she deserved that position.

I like it when tennis players respect each other’s work, and talk nice about each other.

Ivanovic’s readiness for the Australian Open

You remember Ivanovic had a stomach illness. Fortunately, now she feels healthy and fitter than ever.

Being without coach Sven Groeneveld is supposedly not a problem for Ana either:

I already do know a lot about tennis and about other players (and) I think I’m very young and maybe a full-time coach could still be very helpful. (But) at this moment, I think I can handle it the way it is.

Hehe, maybe that’s why Ana was singing Beyonce’s song “Single Ladies” in her head during matches, to encourage herself to be good enough on her own.


  1. I’m back Maja!

    Wow, Ana really seems to be a good woman, she sure lives up to be a good player plus a good woman, what do you need more?

    Wow, and her preparations for Melbourne are actually like piecing together right now! She all needs is a wonderful attitude and keep savoring the joy of winning!!!!!!

    Good day all!!!!!!!!!

  2. Just a question,do you think Jelena will be #1 if Justine didn’t quit in May?I hope it doesn’t offend anyone,especially fans of Jelena.

  3. @Pat You’re back! 🙂 Finished your thesis?

    BTW, I just read that Sven is practicing with Ana in Melbourne. He will be there for the AO.

    @justine There’s no way Jelena would have been No.1 if Justine had stayed. Everyone knows that. But as Justine retired, Jelena rightfully occppuied the No.1 spot.


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