Ivanovic says Kardon’s approach suits her


Ana Ivanovic portraitSerbia’s Ana Ivanovic has finally found a full-time coach, and the world has been curious to see will Craig Kardon help Ivanovic’s game. So far, we have only one tournament to analyze, and from what we’ve seen at the Barclays Dubai Tennis Championships, the world No.7 seems to be moving in the right direction.

Let’s see what Ivanovic herself said about Kardon’s coaching methods:

Craig and I have been working well together on the court. He is very positive and I like his coaching philosophy so far. For example, he is more concerned with tactics and dominating opponents instead of looking closely at technique and videos; I think this suits me.

Dubai was good progress for me. I felt like I was getting my confidence back and playing some aggressive tennis. It was a good start to our coaching relationship and hopefully I can continue to improve in America over the next month.

Haha, now that I’m thinking, maybe Ivanovic performed well in Dubai simply because she was enjoying a stay at the Burj Al-Arab hotel. (photo: Ralf Reinecke)



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