Sony Ericsson WTA Tour develops Heroes Among Us program


Sony Ericsson WTA Tour

The Sony Ericsson WTA Tour has launched a new campaign called Heroes Among Us, which is meant to recognize parents, teachers, coaches and community leaders who have encouraged young women to pursue their dream.

Fans can submit their nominations, by September 18, using the online nomination form. Judges will then select five finalists who best represent the program’s criteria. Voting for the annual program winner, among these five finalists, will take place between September 28 and October 4.

The winner will be announced in mid-October and will receive two tickets to the final match of the Sony Ericsson Championships in Doha, Qatar, as well as the roundtrip airfare, accommodation, transportation, behind-the-scenes access at the tournament and tickets to the Sony Ericsson WTA Tour Year-End Party.

Now you have a chance to honor someone who has made a difference in your life and the lives of young women in your community.


  1. Sorry, this is entirely irrelevant to this post, but Marija, this is upon one of the rare occasions where I believe men’s tennis or rather a particular champion is inextricably woven into the future of the WTA tour:

    If Myla Rose and Charlene Riva Federer were to become professional tennis players and compete on the WTA, will they finally restore order to the chaotic tour, let’s say by 2030?

    Even hypothetically wouldn’t they be a great honour, gift or perhaps remedy for the game (supposing they are half as great as their father)? Now all we need is a set to twins from Rafa and Xisca, to complete the most epic and transcending rivalries of the history of tennis!

  2. I personally find it hilarious that the twins aren’t even two days old and already bookmakers are offering odds of 25-1 on the possibility of one of the twins winning Wimbledon and 100-1 on one of the twins winning a grand slam! I fully agree with Zuleika. It would be fascinating to watch them play and who knows how good they could be if they did play?

  3. I don’t think that if their parents are tennis players they have to be tennis players too. It is highly possible, but it is also possible for them to go in a completely different direction, even partly because of the pressure and expectations and the fact that tennis is a huge part of their parents’ lives. In the end, they could become lawyers, artists or whatever. Also, I think it’s too early to put the pressure on those little beings. Of course, it would be fantastic if they turned out to be like the Williams sisters or even greater.


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