Serena Williams beats her sister Venus to claim Sony Ericsson Championships title


Serena Williams defeated defending champion Venus Williams to win the Sony Ericsson Championships – Doha 2009.

Serena beat her older sister Venus for the second time at this year’s Championships and faced no break points en route to a 6-2 7-6(4) victory in the season finale. The match was not spectacular, as most of the meetings of the Williams sisters are. Both players had heavy strapping on their left legs, which was just the appropriate ending to the injury plagued tournament.

Serena, who will end the season ranked No.1, earned $1.55 million in Doha after finishing the tournament undefeated.


  1. What a shame…! Ah well,not great ending for not great season. Hopefully the order will be restored in 2010. Alllez 🙂

  2. At least all those who have been complaining about the number one ranking and everything else this season can be happy: the best player in the world is Serena Williams and deservedly so even if she isn’t liked by everyone. She’s a class act and deserves to be at the top of the rankings. I can’t help but wish it was Sharapova though 🙂

  3. And something else that is also very successful and consistent is… Marija’s blog. The high content of advertising is stalling my browser Marija! The website use to load at lightning speed- Ah well, This indicates an equally high readership and a job well done!

  4. Marine, you know what they say, it can always be worse. 🙂

    Bróna, I’m actually glad to see Serena getting the season-ending No.1 ranking. She has earned it. But it’s interesting, like, the rankings are correct now, right? And when Safina was No.1 the ranking system was flawed. Haha.

    Nacho, we still have the Tournament of Champions in Bali haha.

    Zuleika, I’m concerned to hear that my site is loading slow for you. That’s very bad news. I don’t think it’s due to readership or ads. I’ve pretty much had the same number of readers and ads for months (although I probably don’t see the same ads as you do). I don’t know what could be causing the problem. Anyway, I’m glad you consider my blog “very successful and consistent”. Thank you for that.

  5. Congrats to Serena! She did well. But what a boring finale – at Style Slam we have crowned who was the fahsion winner of the finale! Best regards from Style Slam

  6. Oh no, it was really meant to be a compliment. It’s just a while ago, I checked the value of websites and researched yours, you’ll be happy to know WTB could buy you a brand new car! It’s approx $22 000 USD or AUD, I think, they’re pretty much the same anyway. So I equated that value which takes into account the readership, hits, popularity etc. with the amount of ads. For me, foxtel ads, Wimbledon ads, weird sports drink ads… Maybe I should get Norton.

  7. My website is valuable, but it all depends on how you would sell it. I could sell it for $2 and $20000, depending on the buyer. Those services give you just approximate insight into your site’s strength. Anyway, I’m not intending to sell my blog. 🙂 And it’s not about Norton, ads are geo-targeted, so you in Australia don’t see the same ads as I do here.

    Hehe it’s interesting that you’re researching my blog. That could also be a sign of success.

  8. I don’t know what up with all the people that said that was a boring match. You have two of the top tennis players in the world, that happen to be sisters going at it.

    Maybe we are just getting use to seeing them play against each other, but it would be boring to see play against someone that is less their equal.

  9. Marija, yes, somehow it seems rankings are now in a better order than ever… and suddenly the no.1 spot became a reason to celebrate. What a change,hmmm..! Ah well,it is all over now,I’m moving on and counting the days until Brisbane. Can’t wait to see the Heninator again :0)

  10. For sure, I think a part of her motivation to come back was seeing a low level of play this year. Clijsters proved it at this year’s US Open. 3 tournaments were enough of a warmup to win the major. Speaks for itself…

  11. Is there anyone who thinks that Henin got caught doping and the WTA tried to cover it up by telling her to retire, but they really banned her and now she’s cleared to play for next season? I don’t intend to start drama, but with the ‘confessions’ from Agassi about his drug use and the ATP’s cover up of it, is it not possible that they did the same with Justine? I mean, she was the number one in the world and the defending champ for RG, it would have extremely hurt tennis in general for that to be the truth. I guess I’m just not as confident that our sport is as clean as they want us to believe it is…

  12. Marine, I don’t think Henin gets motivated by external circumstances. I think her decision to retire and her decision to come back were both based solely on her inner life.

    Ella, haha what a conspiracy! Interesting theory, I like how deep you’re thinking. Still, I may be naive, but I don’t think that could be the story in Henin’s case.

  13. Larry Scott something that rang bells in my head,he said that she wont be missed and seemed like he knew something .I think her retirement was due to doping and they privately told her to retire.He acted like the retirement was nothing….

  14. I think the doping issue is a total bogus. Justine was playing her heart out in 2007, she went for it 120% and if had consequences.
    On the other end I think there is doping in tennis, that is for sure. Compare Serena’s physique from say, 2004 with now. She’s got A LOT bigger over those few years, she is more muscular than some male players, looks somehow manly and has somewhat aggressive demeanour on the court than it is a norm( compared with how she used to be in the past).
    All those signs indicate one thing: steroids! When the new testing system was put into place all the athletes quietly complied. But for one: Serena Williams who did not like that she could be checked upon any day any time without knowing it beforehand. Strange…

  15. Marine, Rafa, Murray and Roddick also made a ton of noise about the testing, to this day Rafa still has a problem with it.
    Just because Serena doesn’t have the build of a white girl like Sharapova doesn’t mean she’s doping nor looks more ‘manly’. Serena has gotten FATTER, not more muscular. It’s the reason she’s always in and out of injury to her knees/thigh. It happened after her sister died (2003, when she had her first major injury), she turned to eating more to comfort her. Venus also said the same thing, she’s been out of shape too, but because she’s taller and slimmer it doesn’t show as easily.
    Also, if you look at Justine at the Wimbledon final and how she looked in ’07, there’s an obvious difference of her looking more bulky, so I can use the same argument.
    Belgian athletes are known for their doping because steroids are so readily available in that country. Both Malisse and Wickmayer have been suspended, both have exhibited a “somewhat aggressive demeanour on court than it is a norm”. Belgian swimmers, sprinters and cyclists are always being caught for doping, and Justine leaving so abruptly in an Olympic year didn’t help the situation, either.


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