Vera Zvonareva resting in Amsterdam after ankle surgery


World number nine Vera Zvonareva had a surgery on her right ankle in Rotterdam, and is now resting in an Amsterdam hotel.

In her latest diary entry on her new official website, the Russian is sharing details about the procedure and her future plans.

All seem to be fine; no pain in my leg so far but certainly there is some inconvenience.

The surgery was done in one of Rotterdam’s clinics, so on Thursday I had to move to Amsterdam but I was picked up and transported by the car. At present I walk on crutches. The operation was performed by a reputed surgeon Nick Van Dyke who operated on many football players and now helps Cristiano Ronaldo.

Zvonareva will stay in Amsterdam for two weeks. Afterwards, she will travel to Florida to practice.

The 25-year-old is hoping to be ready for the Australian Open.


  1. There is a more serious issue she needs to solve if she wants to go for more wins: mental fragility. She has a long history of it and it is such a shame as she is really talented player!


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