Jankovic wins for Serbia, Hantuchova for Slovakia in Fed Cup World Group Play-offs


During this weekend, Serbia and Slovakia are fighting to stay in the Fed Cup World Group, and after the first day of singles matches the countries are tied at 1-1.

World No.7 Jelena Jankovic of Serbia defeated world No.53 Magdalena Rybarikova of Slovakia 7-6(5) 6-3. The following match featured Slovakian former world No.5 Daniela Hantuchova and Serbian rising star Bojana Jovanovski, currently ranked 117th, and favorite Hantuchova won their first encounter 6-2 6-2.

Jelena Jankovic

The match between Jelena Jankovic and Magdalena Rybarikova featured ups and downs of both players, but in the end the Serb won the match despite the wrist injury which has been bothering her since the preparations for the Family Circle Cup in Charleston. Jankovic has always been there for her country, and she absolutely deserves the Fed Cup Heart Award which was handed to her today, during the opening ceremony.

As Serbia’s second best-ranked player Ana Ivanovic wasn’t able to join her team this weekend, Bojana Jovanovski, the hope of Serbian tennis, took the stage against the highest-ranked Slovakian. The 18-year-old Jovanovski gave good resistance to Daniela Hantuchova, even though the 6-2 6-2 result doesn’t show it.

Daniela Hantuchova

One more thing I should mention: the first day of matches played in Belgrade, Serbia, was very poorly attended, and it’s a pity because players gave their best to make it to the tournament and represent their countries. I have to admit, though, that even I didn’t travel to Belgrade this time, because I have one exam to prepare for my job. However, I supported the girls via TV and the matches were really enjoyable, especially the one between Jovanovski and Hantuchova, even though the one between Jankovic and Rybarikova was more thrilling. (photos: sr_cranks)


  1. I was also watching, obviously, and it was very enjoyable. Magda was playing great in the beggining, she had a set point, but from that moment, JJ took the lead. I have to give her all credit, even tough she stole us 1 point 😛
    Dani was great too. The score looks like it was easy match, but Bojana was very good and she made Dani tough times out there.
    I am so excited about the match betwen JJ and Dani.
    About fans, I find it quite dissapointing. Girls did their best to be able to represent their countries.
    Serbia should be proud of JJ, who travelled across the world and plays injured just to play for her home country. The same about Dani, of coursw.

    BTW, Marija, you call Slovakia in Serbian Slovačka, and in our language, it means slovak girl 🙂

  2. LoL at Lulinqua!

    Yeah, in Serbian we say Slovakia Slovačka! That is so funny that it means Slovak girl! Thanks for that! It sucks that it was not attended by many! After Belgrade got the record for most attended Fed Cup tie in history, people lost motivation. But Marija, you have to agree that money is also an issue! There are tons of stars coming to Belgrade soon, so people are probably saving up for those concerts! It is a shame, but it is not the end of the World (I wish I was there!). I wish Ana was there to support at least and show that she cares!

    Good luck on your exams Marija…I know you will do well! You deserve all the best in the World!

  3. BTW Marija…your blog is certainly gaining popularity. Blic issued an article today on Ana Ivanovic’s outing with her BF, but they did not post pictures…so people started commenting that whoever wants to see the paparazzi photos should go to YOUR website! I was surprised that people actually go on your blog…that made my day!

    Again…thanks for all your commitment! Visiting your blog makes my day!


  4. bb, you are welcome 🙂 we pronounce it with long a : slováčka, it is slang word 😛
    I also think that the tickets are not very cheap for everyone.
    yeah, good luck Marija 🙂

  5. i just have one question, why is dani waering nike?? thats if that is a recent photo, which it does look like.

  6. jacob, come to slovakia, i will make u an excursion around my town and u will quickly change your mind 😀 i always wanted to be from an english speaking country, because we have to learn english and u know it right as u were born 😛 i want to go to australia 😀

  7. LuLinQa, thanks for teaching me a word in Slovak, I didn’t know that.

    Bb, hey I didn’t know about Blic. That’s cool. Thank you for telling me. By the way, it’s not the first time, Blic refers to my blog from time to time, and the first time it happened was maybe even two years ago.

    Oh, everyone believes that I will easily pass that exam, but I’m really not that sure, I can’t get myself to study as much as I should. I find 1000 distractions. 😛

    Emily, this is an older picture, Daniela is wearing adidas now, and during this weekend she’s been wearing the yellow and black outfit.

    Jacob, it’s always like that, we all want something that we don’t have. I would, just like LuLinQa, like to visit Australia.

  8. “the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence”

    have you heard of that expression before? Australians only learn english really, but at school we choose Japanese, french or spanish. At least at my school anyway 🙂

    plus, i think i’m going to eastern europe next year 😀

  9. nice expression.
    we have to learn english and also one extra foreign language so we can go to work or study to the different country.
    yeah, you will probably go to RG, right?
    i wanted to go there, but i chose to go to the world hockey champs, which will be held in slovakia 🙂

  10. So happy about Slovaks back in the top group.Daniela did an excellent job, we can thank her for leading our team into the final. But also props to Bojana, she was playing really well against Magdalena. Well, the future is bright for the Serbian tennis.


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