Caroline Wozniacki’s Stella McCartney dress for US Open 2010

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Caroline Wozniacki has been wearing nice adidas by Stella McCartney dresses but you can’t distinguish one from another and a while ago she promised something exclusive for the 2010 US Open. Browsing the Internet I came across the dress the Dane is supposed to wear at the final Grand Slam of the year.

Caroline Wozniacki's adidas by Stella McCartney dress for US Open 2010

At first glance the outfit looks plain ugly, in my opinion at least. It reminds me of a bad choice worn to a club. But, I’m a huge believer in Stella McCartney’s taste, and I’m sure the dress will look good on Caroline and in action.

What do you think?

And yes, there is also the white version of the dress, as well as a green and gray one which is the most beautiful. The official name of the piece is Stella McCartney Tennis Performance Dress.

Update: as our reader Cara says, the what I called green and gray dress is actually the black night dress with the new Yellow Stella Sports Bra. Haha it looked green and gray to me. 🙂


  1. yukkk! the green dress is nice, only because of the lime green bra she is wearing though.. perhaps if caroline has a bright pink bra with wristbands and headbands and shoes or whatever it’ll look better.

    do you get me when i say “lime green bra” ?

  2. Jacob, you’re right. The green accent makes the dress stand out. I like the color. Why wouldn’t I understand when you say “lime green bra”?

  3. Jacob, of course I know, I mentioned the dress. 🙂 For those who may not understand, it’s the dress I linked to at the end of the article. It’s on adidas’ website.

  4. Actually, the “green and gray” dress is just the black night dress with the new Yellow Stella Sports Bra (you can find all her US Open products on Tennis Warehouse) and she will be wearing a white bra underneath the white version for her day matches.

    Stella said it was inspired by lingerie, but personally I think she took one look at her shaving razor and shoved it on the front of a dress.

  5. Haha, I actually really like the dress. The detailing is really nice and it will accentuate curves. Plus, after actually seeing it on Caroline it looks really good.

  6. @Cara so she is wearing the black dress with a yellow bra for night matches and white on white for day? Interesting.

    Its funny, i love the dress in Green and White but i find it terrible in black. Perhaps i have to see it on Caroline before i judge. Get back to me late August 😉

  7. oh yeah, this dress looks a mixture between black and dark gray

    So0o0o0o0o0o0o0o confusin’ !

    xoxoxoxooxoxoxox forever

  8. I don’t like how this outfit looks on this photos; maybe I have to see it on her live to make a final judgement. As far as being spectacular not impressed so far, ‘Cheap Stella McCurse’. :p The dress does accentuate her cleavage.

  9. The “green and gray” dress is the nicest out of the three. Stella McCartney has really gone downhill ever since Wozniacki has started wearing the designs. It’s not because of her though, it’s the designs. I’d love to see how the same dresses would have looked on Kirilenko, because some of them have been really unflattering. It’s unfortunate because I really liked some of the designs from a few years ago.

  10. I believe the dress will look good on Wozniacki, because the “the gray and green one” (haha we are calling it that way now, even though it’s neither gray nor green 😛 sorry my fault) looks really cool in those pictures at the official website.

    Macho Nacho, thanks for sharing Sharapova’s dress. Again, at first look it’s like “what???”, but when you look at it twice it’s interesting, it could look great on Masha.

    Bróna, I think this latest dress is unique, it really is different from the current ones (like all those in the recent times that all look the same). Kirilenko can’t be surpassed for sure! Wozniacki doesn’t add that special something to Stella’s designs.

  11. Yes, it is unique so hopefully Caroline will look better in the coming weeks. It really didn’t help that she wore the same dress for practically half of the season 😛

  12. Very nice dress. It is the most beautiful dress by Stella for Caroline. The last one was too serious for such a young girl – Caro was teenager when she wore it.

  13. I am looking for that dress in gray preferably but white would be good as well in size medium or large. Can you help me?

  14. Chantal, the dress used to be everywhere, but now it’s old collection and difficult to find. I search some sites that are well-equipped, but the dress is no longer there. However, I’m sure you can find it somewhere, look harder.

    Actually, I found it but XS.

  15. Hey guys it’s me Victoria. I love this dress. I wish I was the sponser of stella!!

  16. I like this dress. Now that it is 2013, I can’t find it anywhere. Does anyone have one they wish to sell? either new or gently used?


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