Nike mentions Women’s Tennis Blog on Facebook


Nike Tennis shares Women's Tennis Blog on Facebook

It seems that my fashion overviews are hitting the mark. I woke up this morning and saw a message from reader DeShawn Besabella on Twitter that Nike Tennis shared Women’s Tennis Blog’s review of Serena Williams’ 2010 Nike outfits on their Facebook page which has almost 92000 fans.

The overview didn’t go unnoticed. As you can see, in ten hours 84 people hit “like” and that’s not all. I got an email from another reader, Sam, who told me that he saw how I was advertising Women’s Tennis Blog on Nike’s Facebook page. Of course, it is not an advertisement, Nike just recognized my overview of their tennis clothes as a good marketing and thought it would be good for their brand that as many people as possible see it.


  1. That’s so awesome!!! U really deserve it! U have an amazing blog that I read every day. Keep up the good work! I really love to read what u write! Many hugs from Sweden!!’

  2. Thanks guys! Ok, I’m not really a celebrity 🙂 it’s just a nice exposure for my blog. 109 likes now, thanks to those who clicked like!

  3. Great work Marija 🙂

    Keep up the good work 🙂

    I just visited and added a like there as well 🙂

    112 likes there now 🙂

  4. No doubt it is Marija 🙂

    to be mentioned on Nike home page 🙂

    and yup it was a while ago but i just noticed it Yesterday 🙂

    Keep up the good work 🙂


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