On March 1, retired tennis star Anastasia Myskina welcomed to the world her third son, Pavel. The 30-year-old Russian gave birth to son Zhenya (diminutive of Yevgeniy, the Russian version of Eugene) in 2008, Georgiy was born in 2010 and now Pavel has taken Myskina closer to completing a soccer/hockey team.
Myskina has always been extremenly mysterious about the children’s father, and the general public sometimess even wonders whether the three boys are from three different fathers. My research brought me to the name of Sergey Mamedov, supposedly a wealthy businessmen, and to the fact that he is the father of all the three children. This assumption is in accordance with Myskina’s 2009 statement that she had been with her partner for three and a half years up to that moment and that he was a businessman.
In her illustrous career, Myskina won 10 WTA titles, including the 2004 French Open. Her highest singles ranking was No.2. (sources: Tennis Forum, IMDb, photo: © Neal Trousdale)