Ana Ivanovic chats about love, family plans, WTA friendships in Serbian talk show “Zene”

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Looking absolutely gorgeous in a red dress, radiant Ana Ivanovic had a relaxed chat with five hosts of Serbian TV show “Zene” (“Women”) on television Prva this Saturday afternoon, talking about the life on the WTA Tour, her future goals, her role of a Unicef ambassador, and the unavoidable topic of her single status and ideal love partner.

Of course, the Serbian beauty couldn’t give an actual reason for why she’s single, but she’s surely looking for a man to give her stability and one day she would like to have a stable family, similar to the one she’s coming from. Moreover, she revealed that being in love gives her extra motivation on the court.

Ivanovic also discussed the lack of friendship on the WTA Tour. She said that there is a lot of jealousy and envy and the players are also afraid of revealing their lives or mood in order not to give their opponents a possible advantage. Therefore, the women are always sticking to their teams and not to their fellow WTA players, even though they are around each other all the time. However, Ana does have one friend on the Tour and it’s Romania’s Sorana Cirstea.

It was funny when Ana talked about how scared she is of Serena Williams when she sees her on the other side of the court, as Serena’s very appearance is intimidating to opponents. To avoid that, Ana gains courage by giving Serena a look straight in the eyes! Haha.

Regarding her lack of friendship with fellow Serbian Jelena Jankovic, Ivanovic again explained that they don’t hate each other, it’s just that they have different interests and personalities and hence are incompatible. Professionally, they have good relations.

Ivanovic also said how difficult it is that women’s tennis is receiving less support and interest than men’s, but when they are not winning, then the criticism doesn’t bypass them, and nobody cares if you didn’t have enough sleep the previous day, have just arrived to the city, or don’t feel right for some reason. Moreover, she said that players are always bothered with some at least minor health issue, that there is never a match in which you have absolutely no pain in any body part.


  1. Anna shame on you to talk about Serena’s body instead of her talent and what she and sister have done to promote women’s tennis,people like you only depend on your looks to get on in lfe .you don’t play her often and still get beaten by other smaller players ,why are you not beaten other smaller players to win tornaments or grandslams like serena does,if you have nothing nice to say get that mouth shut. talk about you lousy results for the past five yers.

  2. Scared of Serena’s appearance? Does she mean Serena’s game face or the look of her African American features? Whichever way, these are very un-classy comments …Ana I like you but stay away from controversy. In European countries, gypsies are feared because of their appearance, yet they’re harmless. Ana you’re a gypsy!!

  3. Anna did you know that you’re not an elite player and have been irrelevant for over 5 years on the wta tour,so for you to talk about a player who has done so much to carry the women’s tour with her performances is very sad that you can only talk about her apppearance rather than what she does by winning regularly grandslams and tournaments,She and Victoria have been carrying toe tour and maria to some extend but it;s Serena and Vica that brings excitement on the tour not you miss Anna.Put on lip stick and look beautiful and serena will win all and money too ,and be one of the bestever players to play the game.

  4. Kumbabeck, Chris, Ana said how Serena’s very presence on the other side of the court makes players intimidated, I don’t see anything wrong with that. Serena’s strength and confident personality, combined with her game and her unprecedented results, can’t leave anyone indifferent.

  5. Well Marija I don’t know whether your english or Anna’s is bad .but she did not say presence according to the artcle we are reading what she said and the word used is appearance,so someone has to know what is the right word she wanted to use ,but for now what we read is appearance which is different from presence .dont make excuses for Anna she knew what she was saying, remember we fans have been listening to these players for years so we are not idiots.

  6. Kumbabeck, her appearance (she is strong and confident) combined with her tennis results and the dominance she imposes make her presence intimidating.

  7. Why are you defending what Anna said ,the article was written so people can read and make up their conclusion ,we don’t expect you to come out blazing because readers don’t agree with what anna said .if that is the case then don’t ask readers to comment.English dictionary clearly states the difference between apppearance and presence which it seems you are struggling to accecpt.let her stay with the photo shoots and magazine covers.

  8. Beauty that’s about all Ana has. Ana get a boyfriend NOW,Lord knows you need all the extra motivation on the court you can get. Time to face the truth Ana you can no longer compete with the real pros. The one thing that you have been consistent in is reduced success. I do not want to be mean but as they say the TRUTH hurts. Bow out gracefully. Tennis pro-NO Beauty-Yes.

  9. kumbaback, Chris, tennisgirl: as long as y’all walk around with those personal issues and/or prejudices unresolved, you won’t be able to understand any simple, unambiguous utterance of anyone who happens to be free of them.

  10. I didn’t see her but I felt a beautiful presence, when she walked past, behind me from the practice court at Indian Wells. I had to turn and realized that not only she is tall (I’m 6′-1 & she’s about my height), she also has a great personality in person than what I saw on TV or read in media. I think she’s honest with what she says and I do respect that. Thus, I do wish her a long and successful career.


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