Women’s Tennis Blog got injured during the Australian Open final


Dear readers,

I covered the entire Australian Open and then when it got to the final… no updates on Women’s Tennis Blog. You may be wandering what happened.

As Saturday’s women’s singles final was halfway through, I tried to access my website and it took like 15 minutes to load. There was some problem with my hosting provider and the worst thing was that they don’t work on weekends. The problem didn’t seem to go away on its own and you can imagine how frustrated I was. Trying to solve the issue myself, I further broke down the site. To save my nerve cells, I simply closed my laptop and went out for a series of drinks with friends, because I knew that if I stayed at home I would be pointlessly refreshing the page and unsuccessfully trying to fix the problem.

Utterly frustrated with the fact that my hosting provider doesn’t work on weekends and having noticed that my website was increasingly slow to load, I decided to change my hosting company. These days I’ve been working on the transfer. My new provider is one of the best companies in business and I expect my website to load laser fast once I migrate completely, which will be this week. The new hosting plan I’ve signed up for is a premium solution, quite honestly way out of my budget, but I’ll try to cover the costs somehow and I hope the investment will be worthwhile.

I just felt the need to inform you why I didn’t cover the Grand Slam final. I’ve been writing this blog for more than a decade and this big a technical issue had never happened to me before. I’m looking at it from a positive side — the broken site at the crucial moment has forced me to upgrade my hosting plan and take this blog to a more professional level.

Thank you for understanding and for always being with me!




  1. Ian, thank you so much for your support. I’m grateful to have readers like you. I run this blog all by myself, so it’s not always easy, but I’ll overcome all problems. It’s normal to have bad periods from time to time.

    Oh wow, thanks for sharing the link to Serena’s dress. In recent years her dresses haven’t been available for purchase. Good to see that this one is in stores.


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