Cirstea, Putintseva, Bencic regret agreeing to play the 2021 Australian Open


Tennis players who are forced to quarantine in their hotel rooms for two weeks because some people on their flights to Melbourne have tested positive for COVID-19 are now complaining because they will not be able to practice properly and get ready for the demands of high-level competition.

Sorana Cirstea of Romania says that the rules changed overnight, as before deciding to fly to Australia she was informed that she would need to fully isolate only if her team member or cohort tests positive.

The most vocal on social media are Sorana Cirstea, Yulia Putintseva and Belinda Bencic, who decided to play the Australian Open assured that they would have daily five-hour quarantine exemption for practice, gym and rehab. Now it turns out that they can’t leave their hotel rooms at all for two weeks because someone on their flight received a positive coronavirus test.

The players are saying that they wouldn’t have agreed to play the tournament had they known about this rule. They had been informed that they would need to fully isolate only if their team member or cohort tests positive, but when they arrived in Melbourne they were faced with additional rules.

The problem is not the quarantine itself, but the fact that they are expected to compete at top level after spending 14 days on a couch. Moreover, it is unfair because players who were lucky not to have positive COVID-19 cases on their flight are now in great advantage over those who have to isolate.

To make things worse, Putintseva was confined in her room with a mouse and for over two hours nobody came to help her.

Things are getting more complicated by the day. I wouldn’t like to be in the shoes of the Australian Open organizers. Players are also having a tough time. Everyone is under so much pressure. Let’s hope that the situation will settle down. (photo: Jimmie48)


  1. I really enjoyed Vika’s tweet today about the whole situation

    “If you have time to whine then you have time to find a solution”

    I feel like some of the more established players are handling this a little better or are just more level headed enough to keep their anger off social media. I do understand that this will put them at a disadvantage but this is just an unfortunate turn of circumstance. It could have happened to anyone of the flights. Now I think they just have to make the best of the situation. TA will providing them all with gym/exercise equipment for their rooms.

  2. Andy, that’s true, dozens of players are affected and only a few are complaining on social media. I feel for everyone in this situation. This pandemic is making life hard for all of us and I don’t blame the players for being distressed. Some players are handling it better and that’s wonderful.

  3. Stupid arrogant people, and I even read on twitter that a player complained that the hotel staff didn’t come to make her bed. People are dying because of this pandemic yet these dumb players are complaining

  4. Melxir, I understand the players here. I wouldn’t call them dumb. They are having a hard time just like everyone else. I can only imagine how frustrating it is that you prepare for such a big event and then your plans are ruined because someone you probably haven’t even met on the plane has tested positive.

  5. Concordo com todas opiniões, mas levarem 2 horas para retirarem um rato do quarto de um hotel 5 estrelas é grave,se fosse no Brasil teria virado um caso de desistência,mas na Austrália não é tão negativo!!!

  6. They have tests now that can tell if you have the virus now within hours if not less. So this 14 day quarantine is ridiculous. If they don’t test positive, let them practice like the other top players. I see this as a way to give advantage to other players.

  7. Go with the flow. Believe in Karma. You got quarantined in a hotel room others did not. Many died, you did not, you get to play, celebrate that. Stop whining, groaning, moaning. If you think others have an advantage, do not play, run home with the tail between your legs. Don’t be a wet blanket and spoil it for others

  8. The problem is not practice or quarantine,
    forget about the sport, they are talking as an humans first of all. The problem is how to survive in situation when someone have a nice room like an apartment end others small room with a mouse. Ask her to show you her room, end then comment about her tweets. It’s easy to give the advices from the luxury view.


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