Naomi Osaka signs two-year sponsorship deal with Panasonic


When it comes to Naomi Osaka, timing is always right for another sponsorship deal. Even though the tennis star is skipping her second Grand Slam in a row, her brand is stronger than ever. Panasonic is the latest corporation to announce the world No.2 as their brand ambassador.

Panasonic Corp chose Osaka because of her dedication to social issues, her intense and powerful game, and her tireless efforts to refine each and every move in the course of her daily training and matches.

The company states:

Ms Osaka has shown she has the courage to take action in the face of adversity. Panasonic will provide her with heartfelt support.

Interestingly, in the campaign Osaka states:

Tennis is what I do. It is not who I am.

Osaka’s text continues as follows:

Tennis is a passion.
An outlet for my drive and energy.
A platform to showcase my athletic ability.
I am blessed to experience the lifestyle the game allows.
But tennis does not define who I am as a person.
I am equally as passionate about being a catalyst for positive change in the world. I cannot ignore others who are less fortunate, nor remain silent, as some might prefer, in the face on injusctice.

I play to elicit passion in those who love sports.
And I hope to inspire passion for a more perfect society in all I do.

The period of agreement is two years, which started on April 22, 2021. (source: Japan Today)




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