Lindsay Davenport gives birth to baby girl


Lindsay Davenport’s two-year-old son Jagger got a sister as the tennis star gave birth to a baby girl on Saturday June 27. Little Lauren Andrus Davenport Leach was born at 11:04 in Newport Beach, California.

The former world number one returned to competitive tennis only three months after the birth of Jagger, and her comeback was more than successful since she won three of the first four tournaments she entered.

Davanport hasn’t played competitive tennis since the 2008 US Open, and there is still no news whether the 33-year-old mother of two will revive her career again.


  1. I think she’s still playing tennis, I mean, she only took a break from tennis again because she’s pregnant again. I guess she’s irresistible. 😛

    I hope we’ll see her play at the U.S. Open along with Kim Clijsters. Also, since Maria’s cousin, Daria Sharapova, recently turned 14 now, we might see her play at the U.S. Open Juniors. Go Sharapovas. 😀

  2. God bless you and love ones with good health and success-hope children stay away from drugs etc-you were always loved american who stayed in shape – played best of ability- very hard worker- i hope you be in tennis hall of fame-always put God – Jesus Christ -Holy Spirit =3 in 1 first–

  3. Will we ever see Lindsay return to the tour, with both the williams hardly playing and the current crop of players hardly able to show any consistency, she would have no problem. Would love to see a comeback, after all Kimiko Date is still playing at 41.


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