Tell me about yourself, dear reader


Women’s Tennis Blog is more than two and a half years old and I feel it would be wonderful to give some space to our readers to present themselves. A lot of different people visit Women’s Tennis Blog, some come and go, some come occasionally, some are with us daily, and a few of them have been with us from the very beginning.

I think it would be wonderful to get to know you, to learn more about the community we have here and for you all to see who else is visiting the same place as you do.

I would like to know more about you. Where are you from? What are you doing in life? Do you play tennis and what’s your level? How old are you? When did you start reading Women’s Tennis Blog? Or even simpler, just share what you feel like sharing, and tell us something about yourself that you think describes your personality well.

Don’t be shy and come join the conversation!

I’m so excited to see the comments section! 🙂


  1. First? Well, probably everybody else is cerebrating x’mas.

    I’m from Thailand, 30x 🙂 not playing but following tennis (on/off) since Becker vs Edberg era. (yeah, longggg time ago.)

    I first met this blog just this year, browsing from other blogs

    Personality? Mostly lurking, posting comments occasionally. Enjoy voting sometimes (if the topics are interesting).

  2. The first thing I want to say sorry for my bad english.

    My name is Johnny, I am from Holland. My roots are from Vietnam (my parents are war refugees in the Vietnam War).

    I am a student. Last year I passed for my bookkeeping exam. I am just 19 so I want to study further. Now I studing a whole other way, I am studying theology. I hope that can work in the future in church, or in organization with relegion. I don’t want to be a priest ;).

    I don’t play tennis, I played badminton. I am fan of Elena Dementieva.

    I first read this blog in this year, on purpose. But then I never get away.

    I love writing, I wrote tennis monologues, just wrote stories like at this blog but for my personal.

    Now I am busy with a biografy of the best tennis ever.

  3. My name is Dedric and I am 38 years old. I live in Houston, Texas USA. I have been playing tennis for about 7 years. Unlike most people, I didn’t learn to play tennis as a child. I learned as an adult. I play at about a USTA 3.0-3.5 level.

    Even though I am a guy, I am really interested in tennis fashion, especially for the women. The women get to have so much more fun with their outfits than the men. I prefer Nike on the pros and on myself.

    Serena Williams is my favorite tennis player and favorite best dressed female tennis player.

    I like many of the male tennis players for many different reasons. I really like most of the top male tennis players that are sponsored by Nike. Nadal is my favorite best dressed male tennis player. I love what Nike does with the colors on Nadal.

    I really enjoy having the opportunity to discuss tennis fashion in this blog. I wish there was a similar blog for the men’s tour.

  4. So my name is Lubka, I´m 14 and I´m from Slovakia. I started to play tennis just this year, when I saw the AO , and I think I am not that bad lol 🙂 Obviously, I am a student.

    I love tennis and everything about it. Especially fashion. I am a huge fan of Masha´s unique outfits and Vika´s colorful ones, but I can´t pick up just one brand like my favourite.

    I admire few players: Serena and Venus, Justine, Vika and Wozzy, Dina,Nastya, Elena, each one for something else.

    I am grateful about this blog because it´s really nice, actuall and does everything for the readers. I love the retrospections of players outfits. I am visiting this blog since I started to be into tennis.

    Dedric I wish every guy likes fashion 🙂 The world would look nicer at least.

    I am happy you gave us this opportunity and wish the best for this blog.

  5. My name is Bojana, and I come from Serbia….. I’m 15. I started playing tennis about three years ago, when everybody else in this country did, and that was when our tennis players started to make good results on big tournaments…. Now I practise actively, but only for fun…. And like everybody else, I like women’s tennis fashion…… As for my favourite player, well, Djokovic is the best, in both women’s and men’s competions…..

  6. Hi, my name is Sarah Mirza (no relation to the tennis player with the same last name). I am 36 years old, married, mother of two wonderful children who I hope will someday play better tennis than I do. My husband and I play tennis on weekends as exercise and to socialize with other couples. Living in Cincinnati we have a big advantage to see all the great men and women tennis players play here every year at the Western and Southern Financial Group Tournament.

  7. well i’m 19 years old i’m from Santa Marta, a small city in Colombia. i played tennis since i was i highschool,5 years ago, i play well hahaha. i’m not sure when i started reading the blog. maybe year and a half ago but i’m not quite sure! i love it anyways!! my favorite players are Masha and Rafa! i love tennis. it’s a wonderful sport!

  8. hi, my name is yassine, i live in paris but i’am from Morocco, i’ve been playing tennis since i was 5, i admired moroccan stars such as Arazi and El Aynaoui, i’m 18 now and i don’t play tennis anymore because of my studies. My favourite players are Ivanovic and Wozniacki. This blog is great so keep it up. Merry Xmas.

  9. My name is Jovana. 32 years of age. I am from the country of Montenegro 🙂
    Follow this website for two years now and I do it every single morning because it is always updated with news. I was delighted about the fact that all of this information came from Serbia (well done Marija!)
    Well, I am not playing tennis but can t live without it. My favorite players are Roger Federer and Masha Sharapova, but to be honest it is big space between them: Roger and then after ten places Maria. Also like Ana Ivanovic.
    About my personal life: currently I am writing my PHD thesis at the Faculty of Political Sciences in Belgrade.
    I wish to all of you Happy and Healthy New Year!

  10. My name is Bianca, and I live in Brazil.

    I’m 21 years old, and I’m absolutely crazy about tennis!!! I watche every single tournament that i can (specially the Grand Slams).

    I first started enjoying tennis in 2006, when my brother was wathing the US Open semifinal, with Sharapova. At first, i didn’t want to watche that… But i kept watching it anyway. At the end of that match i was already addicted to this sport (and to Sharapova)…

    Today, my idols are Federer and Sharapova… They’re both amazing athletes, with great personalities (inside and outside the courts).

    I got so addicted to this sport that i even started playing it (I’ve been playing for a year now). I’m not that good… but who cares! LoL

    I discovered this blog by accident, but it became my favorite source for tennis news! I love the fact that it maintains an open dialogue with the readers…

    So… Congratulations!!!

  11. Hi. I’m Stella. I live in Ottawa, Canada. I was born in Ireland and then moved to England and went to school and University there. I emigrated to Canada in 1975. I’m retired, used to be a teacher and then a travel agent. I started playing tennis at age 6 and haven’t stopped. I play at a local club (its cold in winter so when I’m here I play table tennis in winter). I played in local leagues and tournaments till about a year ago . now I play for fun. I’m off to S Carolina for 3 months so will play there most days. As well as playing I like to go to tournaments — fave places are Charleston, Montreal, Eastbourne and Indian Wells. Wimbledon used to be a favourite but it’s too crowded and too hard to see ( I’m 5 ft 1 in). Original fave players were Goolagong and Billie Jean. Later liked Edberg ( all time favourite), Newcombe, Navratilova, Kim, Federer, gonzales, Soderling, I like seeing the fashionsbut wish it was like a few years ago when there were more “cute” outfits in the stores. All the stuff looks great if you’re 5ft 11 and skinny. not if youre a size 12 and 5 feet tall.

  12. My name is Milica and I come from Serbia.I’m 18 and I go to high school.When I was much younger, occasionally I used to watch some matches on TV but didn’t understand results or anything else and nobody tried to explain it to me so I gave up. Still, some people were telling me to start training, but I knew nothing about the game and the sport wasn’t really popular, so nothing happened.So tennis and I were on standstill. Until june 2007. Novak Djokovic was playing his semifinals match against Rafael Nadal at Roland Garros and everybody were talking about it.So when I came home I watched a part of it. But Wimbledon was when I got completly addicted. Since then I watch every single tournament, I know every result and…yeah , I’m a complite tennis freak. I cheer for Novak, Ana and Jelena, of course, but I apsolutely love Federer and am a huge fan of Sharapova.I like Wozniacki, too. And Rafa is great. I play tennis with my twin sister (also tennis maniac) during summer mostly, and during winter we play in our yard :).And I completly enjoy it! I think it’ s a pitty I didin’t train it before, because I’m very tall and have very tough hit 😀 (I just can’t resist hitting a winner :)).So that’s my tennis story. Oh, and I started reading this blog few months ago, completly accidantely.And it’s awsome! 😀

  13. My name is Bróna. I am from Ireland, I’m 17 and I’m a student. I don’t play tennis but I have been a complete fanatic since I saw Roger Federer play for the first time 4 years ago. My favourite players are Federer and Maria Sharapova but I love Ana Ivanovic, Kim Clijsters, Victoria Azarenka, and Elena Dementieva among others. I discovered this blog completely by accident about a year ago and I haven’t left since!

    PS This was a great idea Marija 🙂

  14. Hello! My name is Amanda and I live in Sounthern California. I started playing tennis when I was 10, and now im 17. I mostly play tennis for my high school and in local tournaments. Since its always beatiful here, im lucky enough to play year round. I started watching tennis in 06 during the US Open, and Sharapova is my fav along with Wozniacki, Del Potro, Fed, and Ivanovic. WHen im not playing/watching tennis, im studying because my school is crazy hard! i found this site randomnly while looking up something for tennis. and i think the outfit overview i cool, it reminds me what everyone has worn all year!

  15. Hello, i’m Daryl from Singapore don’t play tennis currently but did play for a year when i was 13, been wanting to take it up again for awhile.

    I watched tennis on and off during the late 90’s really liked Steffi Graf. There used to be a tennis tournament here in the late 90’s there were the likes of Chang and Rafter playing too bad it has stopped.

    Really got hooked on tennis when i was watching the 2001 Wimbledon men’s final between Rafter and Ivanisevic it was such a thrilling match sat through watching the whole match. Both man deserved to win but i’m glad Ivanisevic won he was the sentimental favourite.

    From than on i’ve followed tennis regularly much more now, big fan of Federer and a couple of female players Dementieva, Wozniacki, Myskina(hope she comes back), Sharapova.

    I also like to follow what the players wear on court, i have a growing collection of tennis shirts and i don’t play tennis, such irony.

  16. My name is Jacob. I’m 17, and also a student. I’ve almost finished year 12 (last year for australian students) and plan to live in england for 12 months. Once i return to Australia i plan to study pyschology or design (would love to design for tennis players.) I dont play tennis anymore, i dont have the time with school, work and guitar. I work at a library, and also work at General Pants co. (Clothing shop.) I started reading Womens tennis blog in 2007, when Kim Clijsters won the Sydney Medibank 😀

  17. Hey Marija, I’m HCFoo 😀 I discovered your blog maybe like 2 years ago (can’t remember exactly when).

    I don’t really play tennis (I play a lot of table tennis though) but I’ve been watching tennis ever since I was a little kid, admiring Ivan Lendl and Martina Navratilova.

    Hope you’ll enjoy your Shanghai trip. Take care and happy new year!

  18. Hi !
    I’m Kasia and I’m form Tarnów (not far from Krakow – Radwanskas’ hometown, Poland.. I’m 16.
    Currently I am a student, but in poland my school called High School, I’m on the profile of biological-chemical :)My English is bad, because it has learned exclusively German.
    I interested in tennis from the AO 2008. I started playing in April 2008, but unfortunately I do not have a partner to play and I use the wall in the square for basketball.
    I play very rarely, because I need to have adequate weather, lack of people in the square to play and lack of education. I play most often in the summer:) I am not able to determine the level of my game because I play on concrete and without a partner, so it’s not impartial opinion – I never win with the wall :p
    I began to read your blog in late 2008. This is great!

  19. My name is Vincelle. Friends call me Vince or Vinnie. I am from St Louis, Mo and I have lived in several othher states and countries.
    I am a USPTA cerified teaching pro and currently have a Parks and Recreation program in St Charles, MO. I am a former high school coach and coached boys and girls tennis in 3 of our districts’ high schools. I also do privates primarly for those wishing to make varsity tennis at their schools.
    I am retired civil service, military and school teacher. I lived in Spain and Puerto Rico for 3 and 2 years respectively. This was during my days in the US Air Force. I retired as an Army reservist and enjoy my relaxation.
    I could go on but, we’ll save it for round 2.

  20. Great idea Marija! I hope you’re enjoying your trip, sounded cool!
    So, I’m Juan, I’m 31 from Spain, I work at the University as a researcher. I’m not playing much tennis lately. I played some tennis as a kid but not regularly so my level is a little bit poor. I tried to learn some as an adult and I made some progress but I got stuck and little bit frustrated, so now I’m more into running, which is more straightforward: the more you train, the more you run and you don’t have to worry about missing a shot, just run as fast as you can.
    I follow women’s tennis for some years now. My favourite player is Elena Dementieva, I think she deserves finally a Grand Slam title. I started reading WTB two years ago when I started my own blog (WTAhotties) and I have to admit this is much better than mine, haha

  21. Hi everyone! My name is Leo from the Philippines. I’m an avid tennis fan and a tennis player as well. I started to like tennis when I first saw Steffi Graf on TV. Of all the sports that I’ve been to it’s tennis that is closest to my heart. I always see to it that I watched tennis matches on TV especially the grand slam tournaments.

    Presently, I’m an administrative officer in a government agency and during my spare time I play tennis to relieve stress and to relax as well.

    Among the latest group of tennis players, I like Justine Henin because of her incredible athleticism as well as he demeanor on and off the court. I also like Ana Ivanovic because of her happy disposition in life despite her recent dismal performance in court.

    I started reading Women’s Tennis Blog a few months ago when I keep myself updated with the latest news on players, matches and tournaments.
    The posts and infos on WTB are well-updated which gives readers a premeire access on the latest happenings on the WTA Tour

  22. Wow didn’t think they’re be so many responses so quickly! lol Happy Holidays everyone.

    I’m Lilly, from the US, currently studying at University in Canada, and I’m home for the holidays. I study Political Science and Psychology, hoping to attend Law school in a year and a half. I’m going on a semester abroad next year to England (which I’m SO excited about) and hope to attend either/or both RG and Wimbledon.

    I’m 19 and I’ve been playing tennis since I was 4 and probably watching it since then as well… I played varsity high school tennis, played in some USTA tournaments, and I’d say I’m about a 4.5, though I typically now just hit around with some friends as I’ve had less time in college. So basically tennis was the thing that I grew up playing and watching, and I’m still pretty obsessed with it, although in the US they only show the GS and US tournaments, so thank you Marija for bringing me news!

    I’d say my favorite tennis player is Justine Henin. I started tennis when I was 4, but it was just a once a week thing to keep me busy while my mom had a break. I didn’t start getting serious and competitive until I was 12/13, and that’s when I really lived and breathed tennis. Sounds cheesy but it was during this time when Justine started dominating women’s tennis too, so I probably gravitated towards favoring her and I’ve been a loyal fan since then. She is a finesse player who doesn’t grunt to execute powerful shots, similar in style to me, though I do pack a punch with my forehand, and her beautiful one-handed backhand is something I could never do, so I really admire her!

    Among my other favorite players are Elena Dementieva, Svetlana
    Kuznetsova (heard she’s really cool off the court-R&B music totally what I’m into), Li Na (represent!), Jennifer Capriati, and any underdogs in matches typically.

    Can’t remember when I started reading Women’s Tennis Blog, it must have been a year ago when I was looking up something and landed on the website, but I didn’t really start posting until these past couple of months. I love how we’re all getting to know either other and how easy it is to switch from one topic to another and have so much to talk about. I’m looking at the Daniela Hantuchova discussion and how that turned into a discussion about Andy Murray, Marat Safin, etc. That was fun!

    Hope you’re having a lovely time in China, Marija. Whereabouts are you going? Are you staying in Beijing and Shanghai? Or are you headed to the less touristy places?

  23. Hello everybody,

    Firstly, Happy Christmas and Happy New Year!!

    I am from Chennai, India. I am 21 years old.I am currently in the last year of my Masters degree.I don’t play tennis, but I’m addicted to watching tennis!

    My all time favourite players are Justine Henin and Kim clijsters. I also enjoy watching Ana Ivanovic play. I was SO INSPIRED by her success story, her cheerful disposition and the smile that never seems to fade from her face!

    Among men, I like Federer,Murray and Djokovic.

    I also like to watch Jelena Jankovic,Marat Safin and Andy Roddick giving interviews!

    The player that I am now interested in is Yanina. I hope she lives up to her compatriots’ reputations!

    I found this blog about an year ago, when I was searching for something about Ana. Last year I was sooo busy with my examinations, project-work and presentations etc., I didn’t have enough time to watch tennis (or for anything else for that matter!).Reading this blog and Murraysworld was a nice way of keeping up with the tennis world.

    So I am a long time lurker, very recent poster!

    I really want to say, Marija, you do an excellent job maintaining this blog! I can’t believe that you do this only in your free-time.

    Happy Holidays and hope you have a great time in China!

  24. My english isn’t good but I decided to write couple of words ;]
    I live in Poland and I’m 17 years old. I watch tennis from 2 years. My favourite players are Ana Ivanovic ( what a shame she is not in good form), Sharapova, Lisicki and of course Radwanska sisters 😉 I don,t remember exactly when I started read your great blog but I think it will be about year ago 😉

    Btw: your blog is sometimes use as source on one of polish sport website ;]

  25. Hi, I am a student from the US! I love tennis and play 2 hours a day. I am pretty good for my age. You have one of the best blogs out there and are one of my top visited bookmarks! My favorite player is Jelena Jankovic and I have been actively following tennis since right before Roland Garros 2007 – when Jankovic was number 6 or so 😉 (I suddenly liked her because of her name!) I have been using WTB since the start of 2008 😉

  26. My name is Curtis (obviously, lol) and I live near Chicago in the US. I am currently a student.

    I am a very big, obsessed Ana Ivanovic fan. I love the girl to death. I followed tennis causually on and off for many years. I really begin following it full time in 2007. Ana is the reason for that which is why no matter how much she continues to suck, she will always be my favorite tennis player and athlete of all time and I will continue to watch all her matches even if it kills me, lol. And I am not ashamed or embarrassed by my love I have for her. AJDE Ana in 2010 and beyond!

  27. My name is Mentari, and I’m from Bekasi, Indonesia. I’m 14, and currently I am a middle school student.

    Your blog is fantastic, really. I try to read it as much as possible. I think Women’s Tennis Blog is one of the best tennis sites ever!

    I do play tennis, but I haven’t played for about two weeks because of an ankle injury. Hope I can hit the court soon :).

    I have a lot of favorite pro players, but my favorite of all-time is Justine Henin! I love to see her and her style of play, especially on claycourt. I also like her personality. Of course, I was sad when she retired on May 14, 2008, and when she announced her return to professional tour, I was SO excited because I missed her a lot at the time! Henin is my hero, my most favorite tennis player, and my role model! 🙂

  28. My name is Teerin and I’ve been a tennis fan since 2004, after seeing Maria take home her first Grand Slam title at 17.

    I’m 15, I love traveling. I’ve been to a lot of countries and I plan to travel to as many countries as possible. Same goes with education. I was studying in my home country (Thailand) until 8th grade, for the first year of high school I am studying in New Zealand. After that, who knows? I have cousins everywhere, I want to go to the UK next. I also have a cousin in LA, so that’s an option too.

    I love film editing and writing (English). If I want to continue my film studies I really really want to get into NYU’s Tisch School of the Arts, but oh, there’s so many stuffs I need to do. Anyway, I also love writing as previously stated, so studying English and maybe have a job that has to do with writing would work for me as well. I have been researching about schools, how to get in, what qualifications you have, what are the best schools, etc. for years and years. I know a lot about schools in locations (state, city, etc.) I’m interested in. So you can tell me a school name and I’ll recognize it, know the tuition fee, and know everything else about it, well almost (if it’s in a location I was interested in/researching).

    I started reading WTB a really long time ago but I never really posted until earlier this year or later last year, I think. I don’t really remember, but I like this place. There’s way too many “professional” tennis blogs out there and we really need more like this (or DTL, which I’m also a fan of). 😛

    I’ll post more when I know what I can say more about myself. 😀

  29. ^ Oh, I forgot to add. Everyone that knows me knows I’m the biggest, HUGE fan of Maria Sharapova, and only Maria. 🙂

  30. My name is Davor, 24 years old, from Serbia. I am dipl.ecc. but my biggest passion is tennis for more than 10 years now…I started playing tennis at the age of 11, I don’t actually remember right, and my favorite female tennis player is Elena Dementieva, because I think she’s the nicest girl on tour, has the best ground strokes in the world and is probably the best athlete out there. I started reading this blog year and 1/2 ago, and I think you’ve been doing great job all this time…So, happy holidays, good luck in the future, and keep it up..Mogao sam sve ovo i na srpskom, ali ajde…mozda neki drugi put..

  31. Hello everyone my name is indira!!

    I’m from France but i was born in Africa in Cameroon. My parents came in France when i was little.I’m 28 and i’m working as a bank officer, very serious job but when i’m off you can see me around on court screaming and yelling as my fav.

    I found this great website on google one afternoon when i was laying in my sofa a year ago.
    Very well illustrated, full of informations about my favourites tennis players such as the williams sisters, maria sharapova and so on.

    You’re doing such a good job, congrat’s. From everywhere i am you can count on me looking for new informations on this blog.

    Tennis is my passion and i’m so happy to see people around the world supporting all the tennis players.

    Last year i was at the women single final second Grand Slam at Roland garros, it was huge i manage to took some nice pictures of Dinara safina training alone with her sparring partner. I also met Andre agassi and Steffi graaf, magnus norman, Robin soderling, Tatiana Golovin, Kuznetsova…
    It was magical to attend to such a great event, and fortunately i took so many pictures.

    Life is short, let’s enjoy tennis

    Luv you all

  32. Hi All. Late to the party as usual, but there you go. I am 44 years old and I began following tennis in 1999 during the Hingis/Williams USO finals. At that time I never used to follow tennis as I am from Jamaica and we only had one tv station in the 70s and 80s and during that time the tv station used to preempt the Sunday matinee with matches from Wimbledon which seemed to always feature Steffi Graf and Navratilova or Chris Evert. I never understood the game so was not much interested. When I started high school, we had the option of either taking swimming or tennis, and I chose swimming. So right about the time that Serena won her first Grand Slam I got hooked on tennis, perhaps because someone sat down and explained the game to me. I never picked up a racquet until I was in my late 30s early 40s. I am now a level 3 with a killer forehand and a good groundgame. My favourites on the men’s side are Federer (by a long way) the Djokovic, Cilic, DelPotro and my very first favourite on the men’s side, Nalbandian. On the women’s side I love the Williams Sisters, Ana Ivanovic, Zheng Zie and perhaps every single one of the other women’s players. I found this blog from a link from another blog. I have to say that the blog itself has grown very much and has much better content. Earlier this year I think all we got were press releases etc., but I think the blog owner has really spruced it up somewhat and I am glad that there is yet another blog which is devoted to women’s tennis. Keep up the good work and I hope you enjoy your vacation.

  33. Hi everyone,

    My name is Richard and I live in England. I am 32, married and have a beautiful 3-year old daughter. I haven’t played tennis since school, but I have always enjoyed watching it. My favourite players are Zheng Jie, Elena Dementieva, and Martina Hingis.

    I have been reading the blog regularly for at least 18 months, and think it is excellent! It puts many professional sites to shame, and is the only tennis site I visit. So thanks Marija, and enjoy Shanghai (so jealous btw, would love to visit there!)

  34. Hey everybody, happy new year! I’m a 52-year-old tennis player from Texas and have been playing tennis since I was about 6! You’d think I’d be better at it by now! I love to read other tennis bloggers. I have a tennis blog too – and just wrote my New Year’s column, a tennis year-in-review… check it out at The blog name says it all, I have a wicked slice, play at 4.0 level and in 2009 my team went to nationals in the Tri-Level tournament at Indian Wells. We had a blast. I enjoy this blog a lot its well organized and I love the fun pictures. Hoping to visit Roland Garros in 2010 so let me know if you want to meet up there!

  35. 24-year-old student at Harvard Law, but not as stuffy as that sounds. I can’t get enough tennis coverage on the net!

  36. Hello, Marija!

    I’ve been following your blog since you showed it to me 🙂

    I am journalist and I work for a newspaper in Slovenia. Cover politics, particuraly defence policy in Slovenia and in the world. In my free time I am a big sports fan.

    Regards and happy new year!

  37. Hi all! My name is Amy, I live in Cape Town, and am a student. I have been following tennis closely since Federer won his first Wimbledon, I’m a big fan of his. On the women’s side my favourite players are Kim Clijsters and Ana Ivanovic.

    I have been reading this blog for about two years now I think, although I don’t comment much.

    Happy new year to everyone. I’m so excited to see Henin AND Clijsters back playing again, but at the same time I wish the younger generation of players could win some grand slam titles this year!

  38. Hi,I’m Marine, I am 23 year-old. I am from Slovakia, although I have been living in Britain for 4 years. I am half-way through my studies and tennis is one of those things which can help me unwind and get my mind off the schoolwork :0). I have always liked tennis although I never got to play it as a child, not enough resources, sadly :-(. However I never gave up the idea and now I’m conteplating joining some amateur tennis club.
    I am a fan of Justine Henin, Maria Kirilenko and our Daniela Hantuchova. I loved Hingis too, shame she’s gone now.

  39. By the way, congratulations to Marija and all Women’s Tennis Blog followers as it was awarded as Best Blog in the On The Baseline awards. Woohoo!!!

  40. Hi guys,

    I am Olga from Hungary, 31. Planning to go back to do some tax advisory work soon, but it was soo nice to have a two-year break to raise my lovely daughter.

    I am more of a tennis fan than a player, but my family is truly obsessed with tennis, ’cause my little sis is a professional player in the U16 category. She is a 5-time national champion! Souds promising, right?

    My favorite is when my sis and my husband – he is a pretty good amateur – match up, even if the result is not a question.

    Googled something in relation to tennis like a year ago and got this site. Since than I come and visit occasionally. Thanks for putting this together!

    One of my nicest memory in relation to tennis is that we had a chance to visit the US Open last summer. 🙂 🙂 It was pretty hard to get a ticket on the 5th day of selling, but the top section of Ashe Stadium was kind of empty. Why do they give out tickets to tricky agencies who try to sell them realising like 200% profit?

  41. Hi i’m reading this from Mexico. i found out this blog like 2 months ago, and i really like it.
    I’m a huge tennis fan, so i try to find as much information as posible in internet.

    best wishes for 2010!

    Good Luck.

  42. My name is Lenore and I’m 31 from Chicago, where I work as a writer. Growing up, my mother always had tennis on the television set and I finally learned to play when I was 14; right now I’m on a traveling league and I’m a 3.5 player. I’m completely obsessed with the game and I love the women’s fashions, especially the Adidas line.

    My mom and I travel every year to a different tennis tournament. We went to the Australian Open last year and we plan on going to the French Open next year.

    My favorite lady players are the Williams sisters, Kim Clijsters, Anna Kournikova, Justine Henin and Martina Hingis.

    I just started reading the blog a few months ago; what a wonderful find! Thanks for posting all of the great photos and for covering tennis in a way that’s fun and exciting!

  43. Hi,

    My name is Catherine and I’m from Canada.
    I became a tennis fanatic after watching the Clijsters-Sharapova match at the 2005 Us Open. My favorite player are Serena, Sharapova, Kuznetsova and Clijsters.
    Your blog has been the first one that I followed every day.
    I like it the way it is you don’t need to change anything.
    Thanks a lot to you and Keep it going!

  44. Who am I? I’m a middle age, out shape guy who has never played tennis. I’m loud, big mouth, confrontative, argumentative, obnoxious, rude, crude, socially unacceptable, and ugly and damn proud of it all. 😛 I’m based in L.A.

    I used to be a long distance runner back in my day. I ran the L.A. marathon once (fifth year, it was a tough course then, the route has changed many times through the years). I believe that was the end of my running days.

    Besides tennis, my favorite sport is college basketball March Madness is hypnotizing.

    I started following this blog in 08, but I started posting early in 09.

    I strongly dislike snot, punk, lack luster geniuses. Sorry Beautiful Boss I couldn’t help myself.

    Oh, almost forgot, my parents named me Carlos.


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