Ukraine’s No.1 Alona Bondarenko married her coach Nikolay Dyachok on Thursday. The couple got married in an informal style, wearing jeans and T-shirts that said “Just Married.”
“As athletes we have to get married in something sporty,” said the 25-year-old Bondarenko. “[We] didn’t want pompous outfits.”
In addition to the official marriage, there was a reception for 300 guests on Saturday.
Alona and Nikolay will go to their honeymoney in Crete, Greece, next week. (source:, photo: © Neal Trousdale)
how strange….
I think that is probably quite unusual for people with good financial resources to choose to marry so simply , it’s certainly appreciate the desire to stress the nature of marriage, which is not strictly a lavish ceremony… The important thing is to be sure of the choice 🙂