Maria Sharapova hot news: boyfriend Sasha Vujacic becomes fiance


Although I’ve been following the relationship of tennis superstar Maria Sharapova and LA Lakers guard Sasha Vujacic since the very beginning, I have to say that headlines about their engagement came as quite of a shock. The news is most likely true, as many credible sources are reporting it. However, Sharapova’s official website is still saying nothing about it.

Here’s what Vujacic said Thursday night before the Lakers’ exhibition game against the Golden State Warriors:

We are engaged and are both really happy. It’s good and now we can focus on other things.

The story is that Vujacic met Sharapova a year ago at a friend’s barbecue and now he decided to propose to her on the anniversary of the day they first met. Sharapova is 23 years old and Vujacic is 26.

Here’s a little retrospective of Maria and Sasha together:

  • couple first seen holding hands – last November
  • spotted relaxing in Los Angeles – in February
  • Maria brought Sasha with her to Indian Wells
  • strolling the streets of Udine together – in July.


  1. Wow, that’s a suprising news. It kinda seems too soon, but I guess that’s how they do it in sports these days. Anyway, congrats! It seems that Maria has (finally) found someone equal to her 😀

  2. This news has pleasantly surprised me too, then my brain has made an istant connection with Nicole Vaidisova who recently married and retired… But I quickly banished the thought and hope that Masha benefit from this beautiful moment!! 🙂

    And I also hope that Maria takes care of Sasha’s wardrobe!!

  3. That is really nice…I think they can really relate to each other seeing as they are both Slavs (Sharapova being Russian and Sasa being Half Serbian Half Slovenian). They can also relate on a sports level as both are professional athletes. I really wanna see Sharapova on her wedding day, she will look stunning hands down.

    I heard that something about JJ’s mom. Is she also sick or something? I was worried coz she is my favourite tennis mom hehe

  4. I was very surprised to see the news. They’re both very young and haven’t been dating for a long time. But they are a great couple. I was worried how Maria would find a tall enough boyfriend, but she’s proved she can do everything. Plus he’s cute. And they do have similar backgrounds.

    About JJ’s mom, I haven’t heard that, Bb.

  5. This was a surprise, but I’m really glad for Maria. It doesn’t seem a year since we first saw pictures of them as a couple! I hope they’re really happy together.

  6. I don’t where read about you there have written that your religion is Eastern orthodox,I think there is not related to Christan. am i right? tell me someone else who read my this comment.

  7. Khurran, Sasha’s father is Serbian, which means that Sasha is likely to be Orthodox, or at least half-Orthodox. Orthodox is Christian.


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