Vote for Women’s Tennis Blog in Baseline Awards 2010

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Baseline Awards 2010

Dear readers,

For the third time in a row the Baseline Awards have nominated Women’s Tennis Blog in the Best Tennis Blog category.

Those of you that have been with us for more than a year know that Women’s Tennis Blog is sort of defending its title now, as it was voted the best tennis blog of 2009, thanks to your votes of course. So, if you still like Women’s Tennis Blog, take action and vote HERE now to give us a nice present for the start of the 2011 season. Online voting is open until January 3rd, 2011.

Other nominees in the Best Tennis Blog category are: Peter Bodo’s Tennis World / Steve Tignor’s Concrete Elbow / Straight Sets Blog by The New York Times / Tennis Talk, Anyone? / Open Court with Stephanie Myles / ZooTennis / Tennis Served Fresh / Forty Deuce.

The winners will be announced on January 5th, 2011 at On the Baseline.

Of course, there are other categories as well, such as: Player of the Year, Newcomer of the Year, Fan Favorite of the Year, Best Tennis Writer, Doubles Team of the Year, and many more.


  1. You’ve got my vote Marija (even though I’m a big fan of Steve Tignor).

    You’re better looking than him, that was the deciding factor 😉

  2. Tony, thanks! I hope many people will follow your action! 😉 About good looks haha, we all know that can be helpful in life. 😛

  3. Marija you are the best and I voted for you :-D. If we should choose second the best site I would vote for fortydeuce.

  4. Marija, I just checked out Forty Deuce for the first time…it was hilarious! I loved it!

    But don’t worry my vote is still safely with Women’s Tennis Blog! 🙂


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