Dinara Safina comes back to Twitter


Dinara Safina

Dinara Safina left the social networking website of Twitter when she received offensive comments from some twitterers after her first round loss to Kimiko Date Krumm at the French Open. Seems that Dinara’s wounds have healed and she’s willing to give Twitter another shot.

“Many of you were asking why I left twitter. It was not easy for me when I needed everyone’s support after losing to Kimiko Date, and some people posted some not very nice comments, which I think wasn’t fair,” said Dinara, who hadn’t been tweeting since July 25th.

Make sure you follow Dinara on Twitter, especially now that she’s promising to answer all our questions.

Dinara Safina squirrel

P.S. Don’t get confused, Dinara is using this little squirrel as her avatar.


  1. Dinara shouldn’t be so critical about herself, yes, it was an awful year for her, but she was injured and she needed more time to get in form than she gave it to herself. I think it was a mistake for her to play some tournaments, she just wasn’t ready at all and you could see her selfconfidence going down and down and down…I doubt she can ever be a player she used to be in 2008 and 2009, and that’s just too bad, but, that’s how sport goes.She’s gotta regret it, because, when she was healthy and in form, her crazy head stopped her from winning Slams, and now ,because of the injury, she can never be as healthy again.Really sad.:(

  2. Glad to hear that. Wish her good health, the rest she will achieve by herself :-). I think that she is a very nice girl.


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