Serena wins one point more than Pironkova, pulls out comeback victory

New tennis shoes 2025

If Serena Williams is known for something it’s that she never gives up and when you watch her matches you have to know that no matter how desperate her situation is, she can always pull out a win. Today at the AEGON International Serena was in exactly that type of situation, trailing Bulgarian world No.34 Tsvetana Pironkova, who by the way took out Serena’s sister Venus from last year’s Wimbledon, 5-0 in the first set. However, Serena used her experience and Pironkova’s lost opportunities to her advantage and bit by bit won the match 1-6 6-3 6-4. Interestingly, at the end of the match, Serena’s total number of points was 80 and Pironkova’s 79.

Serena’s opponent in the second round of Eastbourne could be Vera Zvonareva, whom she defeated in the 2010 Wimbledon final, her last match prior to today’s match win Pironkova.

The elder Williams sister, Venus, is also making a comeback on the grass of Eastbourne. She also had a three-setter in her opening match against Andrea Petkovic and in the second round she will play Ana Ivanovic.

Additional info: The dress Nike made specifically for Serena Williams’ appearance at Roland Garros, which she missed, is receiving the rightful attention at this week’s AEGON International. (photos: Ralf Reinecke, © Neal Trousdale)


  1. happy for serena’s comeback..but i find her fatter than before! when is gonna be the time for real women (thin and femenine) on the top of tennis??
    only 2 of the last n1 and gs winners (there also i have to put li na) are real women..ana and masha..

  2. Ugh, not sure what to say about Serena’s game today. She wasn’t playing bad (except for the 1st set- disaster), but it was far from her good form. But she probably just needs some time. We’ll see. The dress is cute, but little bit too barbie for my taste. Oh, yeah, and glad Venus wears (normal) clothes again. 😀 Actually, Brenda, to me Serena seems thinner, she lost a lot of muscle, which isn’t such a bad thing.. 😀 And as for real women problem, hahaha 😀 I guess today women tennis is not for princesses.

  3. On paper, both Williams sisters should’ve lost. Surely #11 ranked Petko should have defeated Venus who hasn’t played competitively in 5 months. Surely #34 ranked Tsveti should have defeated a player who hasn’t seen competition in a year, yet for whatever reasons they were unable to get the job done.

    Next up for The Williams are Vera and Ana and they would love to avenge their losses to WS and no better chances than now cause both sisters are still rusty. This primere tourney is loaded with top 10 players and WS have huge targets on their backs.

    After defeating Tsveti, it was interesting how Serena raised a single well-manicured finger skyward possibly indicating her intention to try to regain the #1 ranking.

  4. serena is moving slow & rusty! i can’t believe all this time she had off she hasn’t get herself in shape fully she’s worst than my grandmother. the time she’s spend making insane video commercial and sending provocative twitt she would of come swinging like a champion.

  5. Serena was in a cast for a long time then had to have another surgery in October.After cast she had blood clots when wasnt able to swing a racket.She said she started hitting in April plus one year is a long time for anyone to comeback especially coming from life threatening situation.
    Serena is going to school a lot of barbies at Wimbledon even when she is not in good form.I see her reaching the final and winning her 14th slam…eat your hearts out haters and that includes you Marija

  6. Why do people always want to talk about the williams sisters’ looks and celebrate when they don’t play as well. Serena has had a year off and people here are putting her down coz she is not at her best??? Hello??? how can she be in shape?? People should stop talking about their looks, what muscle or fat they have, what they do outside of the tennis world (it’s their blinking business), what they wear and concentrate at the tennis. There are too many haters in this world who hate other people’s success. For the WS it’s a million times worse bcoz of the colour of their skin. Like Kanye West said “RACISM IS STILL ALIVE”.


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