Caroline Wozniacki already dumps Ricardo Sanchez


In early December 2011, Ricardo Sanchez was super excited to start working with Caroline Wozniacki, but the cooperation has already come to an end and all it will be remembered for is Wozniacki’s failure to win her first Grand Slam title at the Australian Open and her actual fall to No.4 in the rankings following the quarterfinal loss at the tournament, after reigning the top spot for most of the time since October 2010.

The cause of the split is that the new coach couldn’t find his way in the confines of the already established system of Wozniacki and her father Piotr. In simple words, Piotr had his own way of coaching and Ricardo was supposed to adapt to it, rather than to install his way of work. The two systems clashed, the outcome was that Caroline was confused and Piotr asked Ricardo to leave. (photo: © Neal Trousdale)


  1. Ricardo had good influence on Caro’s game and improved her game…sad that coaching relationship ended 🙁 But hope Caro will be back at No. 1 🙂

  2. poor caroline..

    obviously she will never win a grand slam with this state of play. she needs to change her game suit with player nowadays.

    hopefully her father will come with solution. or maybe she just gonna be another ‘Jelena Jankovic’ or worst, ‘Dinara Safina’.

  3. With this play, she’ll never win a slam. She scored maximum from it, and still she can’t do it. She can play agressive , but like that she is just an average player. Right now, there are, finally, better players than she is.

  4. She has maxed out her potential with the way she plays. She hasn’t won a GS with her dad as coach. She hasn’t won a GS with Ricardo as coach. I’m pretty sure it’s not the coaching that is the problem. She might be #1 again but she will never win a major.

  5. Hey Piotr, can we say Stage Dad Syndrome? Perfect example of letting it go is Caro’s BFF Aga Radwanska and her sister. Since their father left the coach game, both Radwanska’s have improved tremedously and have become forces to deal with.


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