Serena Williams secures 6-0 6-0 victory despite twisted ankle

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Leading 4-0 against Edina Gallovits-Hall in the first round of the Australian Open, Serena Williams fell while chasing a ball and twisted her right ankle. Her already heavily taped ankle was treated and re-taped multiple times from then on, but the outcome of the match does not suggest Williams was in any disadvantage as she scored a 6-0 6-0 victory. Actually, in the second set her opponent won just six points.

After the match, the 31-year-old ensured us that, despite the pain and swelling, nothing can stop her from pushing herself to win her third straight Grand Slam title:

I mean, unless something fatal happens to me, there’s no way I’m not going to be competing. I’m alive. My heart’s beating. I’ll be fine.


  1. More fuel for the mythologisers, sheesh. But I do hope she doesn’t get over-confident and really bugger her ankle up completely, that would be silly.

  2. A reporter ask serena after the injury scare: “you will play the doubles competition or u prefer to rest ur ankle??” …Serena answer: “I am here to play not to give excuses!!! i will be playing all my matches despite the pain”… WHAT A CHAMPION

  3. Unfortunate and might be the only hope for all the others! I’m sure it won’t affect her in the next few rounds, but may become a factor in the latter stages.

    Disappointed to see Pavlyuchenkova go out today to Tsurenko. Hopefully she can build on her performance in Brisbane and have a solid 2013. Kudos to Date-Krumm too with the most shocking scoreline of the day over Petrova!


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