Caroline Wozniacki says bye bye to Thomas Hogstedt

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Caroline Wozniacki

Fortunately, Caroline Wozniacki has successfully found stability in her love life, but when it comes to coaches, no guy is good enough for the Dane, who has fallen out of the Top 10 this week. After deciding to step away from being coached by her father, Wozniacki has struggled to keep a coach for more than several months and Thomas Hogstedt is the latest one who got fired, after Ricardo Sanchez and Thomas Johansson.

According to Ekstra Bladet, their cooperation never kicked off the way Wozniacki wanted it and her frustration reached the highest level when Hogstedt went on a vacation instead of training with her in Dubai, the important part of the season.

Having worked with Hogstedt for just three months and two tournaments, Wozniacki is already having a new coach in mind. Meanwhile, she’s been training with her father in Dubai. (photo: Jimmie48)


  1. Marija, perhaps you “can’t imagine that any coach would want to work with Woz now”, and yet, lo and behold – Michael Mortenson can! But, then again, he could well be blind to what your imagination oh-so-plainly sees…
    P.S. By the way, In all the three years during which Hogstedt coached Sharapova, the only memorable piece of on-court advice he repeatedly had to give her was “she’ll choke” [her opponent will, that is]. It took her full three years to figure out what kind of imposter said Hogstedt is. So, kudo’s to Karolina for being much faster than her colleague!
    P.P.S. Also, as Adam has said, Mortenson has done a lot of service to Li Na. Why their collaboration had to stop, I do not know, but my impression is that he would have brought her just as far as Rodrigues have done by now. I, for one, wish both him and his new protégé a long stretch of good work undisturbed by boyfriends, husbands, fathers, mothers, journalists, bloggers, and all the rest of it.

  2. Tulp, nice to see you back! I was concerned about you. 😛

    I am joining you in the wishes for Wozniacki and her new coach and I especially hope that bloggers won’t disturb their relationship 🙂

  3. Tulp, I don’t really think that Caro firing another coach is about her ‘figuring out he’s an imposter’. IMHO it’s just another episod from the never ending daddy-coaches-daughter drama that Caro and Piotr are involved in . She’s like Bartoli, she’s so dependent on her father and so unable to look past this relationship that she’ll probably never let him go and find someone else.

  4. Marija, thanks for being concerned about me, but there simply was not much to respond to lately. That is, I’m reading your blog quite regularly, but it all usually ends up in my quietly muttering to myself: “Aw, shucks, just another piece of women’s-tennis-related gossip, hardly related to women’s tennis”, you know. I do appreciate your little ironic bite, though…
    Maggie, I wholeheartedly agree with you as far as the diagnoses of the countless sickly daddy-coach – daughter-pupil relationships go, and this one obviously belongs to the bunch. But my comment on this occasion was informed by two things: 1. Hogstedt, I believe, *is* an imposter, and he was discharged accordingly (that is, with due speed); and 2. I, as always, hope against hope, that *this one* girl, at least, will eventually get out of the clutches of her possessive progenitor.

  5. Will we ever see a long-lasting coaching partnership when it comes to Woz?

    Tulp, I’m relieved to hear that you’ve been her all the time, albeit silently.


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