Ivanovic announces retirement in live video message on Facebook

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Yesterday Ana Ivanovic told us to tune in to her Facebook on Wednesday at 6 pm UK time for an important announcement. Most of us thought she would tell us she was pregnant or that she would retire from professional tennis, and the latter happened.

In a short live stream, Ivanovic announced that she’s ending her tennis career and the decision is effective immediately. The 29-year-old, who got married in July this year, focused on the positive side, acknowledging her career peaks such as the 2008 Roland Garros title, No.1 ranking and 14 more WTA titles. Since injuries have prevented her from being able to perform at high standards, Ivanovic has decided to move on and focus on other things such being an ambassador of sport and healthy life, exploring opportunities in business, beauty and fashion, as well as continuing her philanthropic activities.

Let’s celebrate Ana’s career with this video from the golden era of the Serb’s pro tennis days:

Moreover, enjoy my video tribute to Ana Ivanovic’s 15 career titles and subscribe to my new YouTube channel.


  1. She was the reason I became interested in tennis. It does leave a void…. I don’t know if I will continue following tennis matches and results…. I will always remember watching her matches, especially the late ones…. I must admit that this was probably a good decision. I don’t really know what to say, except she will be missed.

  2. I bet the pregnancy will soon follow! Good luck to her in the future..she has always been a great ambassador for the sport. And a special thanks to Ana for defeating Serena in the 2014 AO, and helping my fave Li Na win that tournament. I don’t think Li could have beaten Serena had they met that year.

  3. Ana seems like a nice person, but the reality is that she peaked early and didn’t really follow through. That’s not a crime, she still did better than a lot of players, but the reason everyone thinks she is so wonderful (compared to other reasonably good players who are nice people) is because she is so good-looking. And that isn’t something she has done or should be valued for – she is just lucky.

  4. @CLT: so right you are. I think she actually was quite lucky that year she won her only GS since that was the year when a lot of good players were either sick, injured or retired. And yes, that was the peak and she didn’t follow through. Then the matter of being good-looking – it is, in fact, a matter of being lucky and also a matter of other people’s taste, not everybody thinks she is wonderful. Of course, I do not know her personally and she may be a nice person – as always, it is hard to build a fair opinion on the official media picture – but that picture also includes details as those extremely long medical time-outs and the often criticized, annoying fist-pumping every time the opponent makes a mistake.

  5. Ana Ivanovic is one of the most glamorous and most loved tennis players ever! She did have a very good tennis career and I wish her well. She’s my favorite and I got inspired to play tennis again because of her.

  6. Saudin, it has to be her RG triumph, but from that triumph my favorite is this celebration when her team got to wear her winning Adidas dress. Also the subsequent welcome in Belgrade.

  7. @CLT I don’t think she got lucky. Pre RG ana was very very different from post RG triumph She was very consistent and always played big matches against big players Her 2007-08 Grand Slam results were FO – F , WIM SF, USO – 4th round ( lost to venus) AUS open – F, FO – W Mind you this was a period when we had Both williams sisters, Henin, Clijsters, Mauresmo, Sharapova, Kuznetsova , Vaidisova, Chakvetadze, jankovic in top 10 and many more. She just was very consistent and did not get lucky by any means.

  8. @Marija Thank you for your reply. Mine would be her run to the AO Final. Also her win against Nicole Vaidisova at Wimbledon in 2007.
    @sru Completely agree… She was a completely different player back than. Too bad she lost her consistency and the nervers took over. After that we saw some flashes of old brilliance, but that was about it.


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