Is this Serena Williams’ Australian Open 2019 dress?


A few days ago Serena Williams revealed her brand new pink Nike dress in an Instagram story which looked to be from some photoshoot. To be honest, I saw the story quite late and just quickly took this screenshot, but I was busy at the moment and just quickly went through the clips. Have any of you seen that Insta story? Did Serena say something about the dress? From what I remember, she made no references to the new dress.

Instagram account Tennis_Glamur shared a photo in which we can see the dress more clearly: it is a light pink design with dominant, aSMC-style perforations. At the moment, the dress is not listed at Nike’s website and Tennis Warehouse, but then again, Serena’s outfits are generally not available at retail.

What do you think, is this Serena Williams’ dress ready for the 2019 Australian Open?


  1. I love the color in her. I think it’s chic but then again, it looks very aSMC for me. I wish they can play with this color for other players as well for Australian Open.

  2. Emman Damian, the model is very Nike, but those perforations are kind of aSMC signature, even though many companies incorporate them in designs.

  3. She’s worn something Similar before at the Australian open in 2014 it was a darker pink with black on the back part. Actually now that I look at it, it’s pretty identical to 2014 dress. So I don’t think this will be what she wears at 2019 OZ Open. I think this was from a previous design that she ended up not playing in.

  4. RenaArmyQ, the fact that she wore a similar dress at the 2014 Australian Open doesn’t prove she’ll not wear this pink dress at the upcoming AO. The 2014 dress didn’t feature perforations, it had black side colorblocks and the shade of pink was different.

  5. Marija, if you see her 2014 OZ dress up close it does have perforations on it. I just don’t see her wearing this in 2019 as she rarely wears something similar she’s worn before. We shall see 🙂

  6. Marija not at australian open now that she wore it for her Abu Dhabi exhibition match against Venus. So we can safely say she will wear something different for Melbourne 2019

  7. RenaArmyQ, I saw that dress yesterday at Tennis Warehouse and I had the same thought as you, but then I was confused because Serena’s dresses in recent years haven’t been available at retail. I’ll try to check with someone from TW.

  8. Marija it is interesting because when I posted that link it only showed the green dress the other day now its added a white dress with black and pink highlights. Serena usually has a day dress and night dress and now their is two of the same design….

  9. RenaArmyQ, yes, but it’s common for dresses to be available in two colors. As I told you, Serena’s dresses haven’t been available at retail for years, although, they may have changed the approach. I still haven’t received any info from Nike, nor from Tennis Warehouse. We’ll see. Although, I have to say that the design looks like something Serena would wear.

  10. RenaArmyQ, a member of the Tennis Forum posted that Kvitova and Halep will wear that dress, while Bouchard will wear the crop top from the collection. Still no info on Serena.

  11. Just looked on the nike website and the dresses, the green and white dresses, are under her name in the search. So now it seems like a good shot it will be her dress or dresses. It could be slightly different say like her 2015 Australian dress was a little different from the retail dress. But yeah it’s under “Serena Williams” in the nike site.

  12. Kenneth, thank you for your comment! That’s a good indicator! I think that now we can be 95% sure that the dress is what Serena will wear in Melbourne. I expect Nike to release some promo imagery very soon. They definitely should!


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