Serena Williams embarrassed Marion Bartoli, almost lobbed her with serve

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In an interview Marion Bartoli sited the funniest moment in her career, which really made me laugh. In Miami quarterfinals, the first time Bartoli played against Serena Williams, the Frenchwoman was almost lobbed by her opponent’s first second serve: “And she serves a second serve, she almost lobbed me. She put so much kick she almost lobbed me! I was running backwards to play the ball. It was so funny, I was so embarrassed.”

However, Marion Bartoli has had many moments in her career that she can be proud of. I’ve noticed that many people don’t believe that she is talented enough, and they more make fun of her than appreciate her success. But they will maybe respect Bartoli more when they read about her first tennis memory:

“The first time that I win, it was the first that I was playing tennis, five years and a half. I play a tournament against some girls three years older than me and I won the tournament. I remember the final, I was so stressed in the morning. I threw up everything, I couldn’t keep anything in my stomach. And I go on the court and I won 6-0, 6-0. After that I was much better. The first time when I play tennis, I pick up a racquet, I never miss a ball. I hit 50 forehands in a row, 50 backhands in a row, I never miss a ball. All over the net. My dad was like, ‘Oh, maybe it’s your destiny to play tennis,’ [laughs].”

Note: Williams and Bartoli are about to meet in the round-of-16 at the US Open. I’m waiting for Marion to show her skills.


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