FROM OUR SPONSOR: OTZ Band Dampeners Help Top Young Players at Sanchez-Casal Academy in Spain

New tennis shoes 2025

OTZ band vibration dampenerOwn the Zone Sporting Goods is a company that designs and distributes innovative and fun sports products that help players reach their zone of peak performance.

OTZ band vibration dampeners for tennis racquets are being sold at the world famous Sanchez- Casal Academy in Barcelona, Spain, and the players and coaches love the great feel and sound of the OTZ bands on their racquets.

“Having not used traditional vibration dampeners for over 10 years, I recently tried the durable and colorful Own the Zone Band – and I haven’t taken it off my racquet since. Many of our players and coaches have followed,” said Andrew Burgess, Head of Player Development at the Sanchez-Casal Academy. “People are always asking for more bands, this is certainly the best endorsement a product can receive. Our players love the way the OTZ band makes the ball feel off the racquet and it gives a great sound off the strings.

“The Sanchez-Casal Academy provides an ideal venue to launch Own the Zone bands into the best tennis facilities in Europe,” said Julius Stockfish, Co- President of Own the Zone Sporting Goods. “Our best of class OTZ band dampeners clearly help these top young players enter their zone and play their best tennis.”

“The OTZ band dampeners are very fashionable and multi-functional,” said David Marcus, Co- President of Own the Zone Sporting Goods. “We’re told by the Academy coaches that many players like to ‘Wear the Spare’ OTZ band on their wrists, and the band doubles up as a handy mental skills tool for regaining concentration – give it a ‘ping’ and get back on focus!”

Women’s Tennis Blog has already featured two articles about the company’s product, so here you can read more about OTZ band dampeners and pink band dampeners.


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