This is one of the reasons blogging is so awesome!


What can be more rewarding than doing what you love and having people all over the world supporting you and sharing your joy? Blogging has given me exactly that, and it’s not only readers that are always there with beautiful words and understanding, fellow tennis bloggers are also by my side, even if I’m not in touch with them daily. One of such bloggers is Erwin of Tennis Served Fresh. We started the blogging journey in about the same time, Erwin a little bit before me, and it’s nice to have colleagues that are your peers when it comes to blogging.

When I turned on my laptop today and started going through my blog feed, I was surprised to see a picture of myself. Then I read a wonderful title: “It’s nice to grow old with someone”. In the article Erwin acknowledges how good it is to develop along someone, and invites his readers to join my giveaways. I’d like to mention that Tennis Served Fresh is the first blog/webpage that ever linked to Women’s Tennis Blog and it made me ecstatic :). It was at the time Women’s Tennis Blog still looked like a construction site, without images, with no design, or anything. Just black text and plain purple and green header saying “women’s tennis” on

The title of TSF’s post inspires me to mention one thing. When Aaress of On the Baseline sold her blog, I was very saddened because I felt like I lost one of just a handful of blogging peers and also, it made me feel old haha 🙂 (the blog is still alive though, offering equally rich content). However, Rich of Down the Line and Diane of Women Who Serve are still there, persevering in doing an amazing job. 🙂

Thanks to my readers and my fellow bloggers, my fourth birthday party is a real festival! 🙂 Cheers! (photo courtesy of my friend Brankica)


  1. i’m glad i found your blog and i’m glad we’re friends! thanks for making such a fantastic blog 🙂 x

  2. Well, it’s been a real learning journey for you, hasn’t it Maria? I think blogs are great because they can really get people involved. Bloggers (some) have that special something which many tennis journalists miss after years and years of spilling out articles as they duty – a real enthusiasm and passion for tennis. I am sure you’ll celebrate many more blog birthdays in the blogosphere! (and who knows, maybe we’ll see you working for WTA one day, too)

  3. Congratulations on the 4th anniversary of your wonderful blog. It continues to be a ray of sunshine especially to new people to this sport like myself who watched a slam on tv and got curious about finding out more about this great sport. I was green as wimbledon’s grass about a great many things: the scoring system, the tour beyond the GSs, the players other than the top stars etc.

    I learned of your site when doing a google search of womens tennis and got lucky when your blog popped up in the results. I posted several times here before even knowing whose blog it was lol. Thanks for adding to my growing knowledge of this great sport. May you have many more happy anniversaries!!!

  4. Marine, blogs are great because readers are creators of the blog as well. You contribute with your comments, and as bloggers are more approachable than traditional journalists, we are more likely to listen to you as readers and take your suggestions. Also, readers can always contribute by writing a post as well, you’ve seen examples of that on Women’s Tennis Blog.

    Helen, thank you for sharing your perspective. It’s a valuable information to learn that you as a new tennis fan felt welcome here and got to learn about tennis. I’m especially glad because I always try to keep the new fans in mind, I try to write in a way that is understandable for everyone, and your comment assured me that I’ve succeeded in that.

    Will, thank you for taking the time to tell me you’re a loyal reader as well.

    Diane, it’s always my pleasure to give credit to my fellow bloggers who undoubtedly deserve it. Enjoy Charleston, I’ve been reading your updates!

    Tanmayee, thank you, it’s great to have you here.


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