Sharapova criticized for promoting unhealthy nutrition with Sugarpova

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Maria Sharapova‘s marketability ensured that her luxury brand of sweets Sugarpova, launched in August 2012 in New York, is about to see a %120 return on investment and is now spreading internationally, in particular, ahead of the Australian Open, the Russian organized an official Melbourne Sugarpova launch. But health concerns raised over the sugary product may spoil Sharapova’s image.

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The average bag of Sugarpova candy has 84 grams of sugar, equivalent to two cans of Coca Cola, and child psychologist Dr Justin Coulson labeled the tennis star’s nudging people towards an “unhealthy habit” as “simply irresponsible”, especially given the amount of influence she has.

“‘Maria Sharapova is a hugely influential athlete, admired by parents and children alike,” said Corrina Langelaan, campaigns manager for The Parents’ Jury, an Australian organisation which campaigns for responsible advertising and promotion of food. “She has a role to play in promoting healthy lifestyles and, with childhood obesity on the rise globally, spruiking a confectionary range smacks of irresponsible marketing.

What do you think? Is Sharapova careless? I’d prefer if she made some absolutely healthy product, but even high-sugar sweets are not unhealthy per se, we just have to know to consume them in moderation. And on the bag it says that a serving is 35 grams, i.e. five sweets. It’s up on us and parents to control the intake.

Fashion addition: Sharapova looked more stunning than ever during her Melbourne event, wearing an absolutely wonderful David Koma dress, casual and glamorous at the same time, perfectly paired with geometrical earrings, nude stilettoes and red nail polish. (source: Daily Mail)


  1. I’m sorry but kids are expose unhealthy eating far more than they of Maria Sharapova. I’m sure this doctor is all over Spongebob cereal and asking them to be responsible as well for promoting good health internationally. I

    ‘m sure kids know Spongebob far more than they do Maria Sharapova a sweet that only gourmet candy store.

    Is a parent job to say yes or no have a sweets.

  2. It seems strange to me that she would endorse anything like that. I know nothing about the actual provenance of these sweets, but I wouldn’t be surprised if they were Russian in origin too.

  3. Oh, come on, if you would go on like that, there wouldn’t be anything tasteful to eat. 😀 Anyway, sure, sweets are unhealthy, but in big amounts. No one is forcing you to eat them that much. It’s on the parents to take care of their children and their eating habits. Maria is just investing, and it seems to really pay off. Numerous other athletes have done similar things. Sure, it’s not all that ”nice”, but in sports business it all comes to the money.

  4. Now, who is asking you to eat all 5 candies at one time?
    I don’t get it, people just jump in to create controversy and benefit from the star status of the other person.
    If you go on like this, then you should start labelling all sweets, candies, chocolates, soft drinks as injurious to health and players staring in their ads as irresponsible.

  5. Kids seem to love sugar and brighly coloured sugar-smelling sugary foods.
    Incidentally, I don’t love sugar very much. I eat some good ice-cream maybe a few times a year max, same with good cake and chocolate.
    I can’t stand icing and sugary things. It’s weird.
    I do like Maria’s Sugarpova idea, just educate the kids not to overdo it, you know?

  6. And once again the fun police strikes. I understand the need to educate children about healthy eating habits; but blaming candymakers for putting out product shifts important emphasis away from parents and sets up for some lazy parenting. It’s so easy to blame others, yet it’s not so easy to reflect on your own behaviours as a parent and take the hard line and educate your children, rather than spoil them and fulfil their every whim…

  7. Lots of sports superstars endorse colas, fast food and other unhealthy eating habits. Marija, you’re absolutely right- it is up to the parents to teach healthy habits to their kids.

  8. Omair, 5 candies is one serving, i.e. the amount you are “recommended” to take. The bag has 15-20 candies, I believe.

    Tosin, interestingly, I followed the link to your blog and the first thing I see is: “I’m hungry so I think it’ll be crackers and nutella right now.
    Yum.” Hahaha 😀

  9. Another mountain made out of a mole hill. I agree with Marija, it’s up to the parents to limit how many sweets can a child eat. It’s mainly the parents,not advertising, who has the blame for their kids’ obesity.


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