Earlier this month Adidas released the promotional photo with the slogan “Take over down under” for their Ana Ivanovic’s blue Australian Open Adizero dress and soon afterwards we got a closer look at the item, as well as the first images of the new dress by Stella McCartney for Adidas and Caroline Wozniacki. This morning at TennisIDENTITY.com I found images of the Danish WTA star and Maria Kirilenko, another Stella representative, working the new kits of the British fashion designer.
My first verdict on the yellow dress (available at Tennis Warehouse for $120) was far from positive and I’m still waiting to see it in action and on Caroline’s body, in order to possibly change my mind, but, quite surprisingly, separates from the collection are actually quite a hit, right?
Unlike the dress, they don’t have the colorful straps and the pleats are better executed, so the outfit is overall much better coordinated. The dress has too much going on and the print looks messy in the company of the other excessive details, while these separates make the print positively stand out and bring just enough edge and uniqueness.
Plus, everything looks extra nice on Maria Kirilenko, so overall I’m delighted by the new Stella tank and skort. What do you say?
Moreover, on her Facebook page Venus Williams gave us a sneak peek into her new collection debuting January 1st, continuing the tie-dye trend that she loves so much.
Here you can have a look at how Venus worked similar prints throughout 2013.
https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn2/1530566_648699155168488_822057752_n.jpg here comes Maria
http://s017.radikal.ru/i424/1312/b9/eabf59f00e40.png and Serena
http://i.imgur.com/S2BfzVi.jpg more Serena
Tennisbg, are you sure it’s Maria’s future dress? Because I read that that image is photo montage.
well I’m not sure… on this site I’ve found pictures http://www.tennisforum.com/showthread.php?t=616377 To be honest, I hope that I was wrong with Serena especially
http://i.imgur.com/ft2Qvm5.jpg http://i.imgur.com/PAEGlUt.png
As I said in my other comment, I’m pretty sure that those are the dresses Serena and Maria will wear.
Sadly Maria won’t wear it in Australia because She won’t play 🙁 I think Andrea is going to wear it
Tenniswarehouse now also has another color scheme of the dress… http://www.tennis-warehouse.com/adidas_Womens_Stella_McCartney_Spring_Dress/descpageWAADIDAS-AWSPSMD.html
I think this one is better than the dress with the pattern, because of the pleated bottom. I do love the pattern on the top of Maria, but with the all yellow skirt (or white) 🙂
Venus’ s Eleven line looks pretty good. She seems to really like tie-dye.
Liz, I agree, the light blue one, without the print, looks much better on the dress. It looks good, actually.