It’s a girl! Shahar Peer announces second pregnancy


A little over a year after giving birth to her first child, son Nafti, retired former world No.11 Shahar Peer announced on Instagram that she’s pregnant again and she’s already revealed the sex of the baby — it’s a girl.

The most successful Israeli female tennis player in history broke the news on social media by sharing a photo of little Nafti holding pregnancy ultrasounds, with the caption reading: “Nafti is waiting for his little sister.”

After a two-year-relationship, Shahar Peer married heart surgeon Eilon Ram in July 2018, in a small ceremony in the north of Israel.


  1. Amazing news! Congrats and all the best to Shahar!

    I miss seeing her on the court though…! I always liked her and thought she was a great player!

  2. Frank, she was one of the most famous players back in the day, it’s interesting how she’s completely been escaping the limelight ever since she retired. I read some of her interviews, she seems to be really enjoying her new life completely away from tennis.

  3. And the loveliest person ever! Miss her tons. Hope she rejoins the tennis world some day–if just for the fun of it and for her fans! :)). It’ll be thrilling to see her.


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