Birmingham PHOTOS: Muguruza, Kvitova, Svitolina successfully start grasscourt season

Our Jimmie48's Tuesday at the Nature Valley Classic in Birmingham started with the joint practice session of Petra Kvitova and Elina Svitolina, while later on he photographed their first-round matches -- defending champion and fourth...

Karolina Pliskova to wear Fila’s white floral lace Championships collection at Wimbledon

Fila is the first company to officially release new whites for Wimbledon 2018 -- Karolina Pliskova, Ashleigh Barty and other Fila-sponsored WTA players will wear the new Championships collection unique for its floral lace...

Birmingham PHOTOS: Rybarikova dominates Pliskova on grass, Watson & Svitolina enjoy British tea

Main-draw action kicked off on Monday at the Nature Valley Classic and the biggest news of the day was third seed Karolina Pliskova's loss to Magdalena Rybarikova 6-2 6-3, although the upset is not...

Primed for summer: Yaffa Activewear puts sun protection front and center

Laura Preskin couldn't handle the sun burning her skin and the sticky clothing distracting her from her game on the court at Scarsdale Golf Club, so this busy suburban mom who loves to play...

Kvitova, Svitolina, Muguruza arrive in Birmingham, Bouchard progresses in qualifying

The first grasscourt Premier-level tournament of the season has started in Birmingham and our Jimmie48 is among the early visitors, bringing us photos of qualifying action and of top players spotted practicing and giving...

How to play tennis in the summer heat without getting exhausted

This is a guest post by tennis coach Marcin Bieniek, our regular contributor. This month's column gives tips on how to play your best tennis despite scorching summer heat, focusing on physical preparation, nutrition,...

Venus Williams gives a glimpse at EleVen Atlanta collection

Right after presenting the Sprint collection at the French Open, Venus Williams' EleVen activewear is already announcing a new collection called Atlanta, to be launched at Selfridges, London. Venus is inviting everyone to a juice...

Marion Bartoli gives up on comeback idea

Posting a series of tweets illustrated by a black rose, Marion Bartoli regretfully announced that her comeback will not happen after all. The Frenchwoman, who retired in 2013, shortly after winning her sole Grand Slam...

Roland Garros PHOTOS: Women’s finals & semifinals

Our photographer Jimmie48 was at this year's French Open from the day the first round of qualifying kicked off until the women's final in which world No.1 Simona Halep finally clinched her first Grand...

Impressive Halep crowns No.1 ranking with first Grand Slam title in Paris

Hard work pays off! Consistently improving her tennis, world No.1 Simona Halep finally ticked a Grand Slam title off her to-do list, rallying to beat reigning US Open champion Sloane Stephens in the final...
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