Justine Henin rumored to be making comeback as of 2010


Justine HeninAccording to Belgian newspaper Vers L’Avenir there is a possibility of Justine Henin returning to the Sony Ericsson WTA Tour next season.

The Belgian, who abruptly retired in May 2008 while still at the top of the rankings and just ahead of her favorite Grand Slam (Roland Garros), has started training for exhibitions in Belgium and Dubai at the end of this year. Henin’s entourage has confirmed the preparations, while Vers L’Avenir added that Henin is considering the revival of her tennis career.

While retiring, Henin was confident about her decision, stating she wanted to do other things in life, and backed it up months later by saying:

No, no competition is over for me. For me, it’s definitely over. When I took my decision I knew it was forever. So I don’t say I will never be back for an exhibition or for another event in the future. But for me (playing) on the Tour? Yeah, it’s in the past and I won’t come back. I made the right decision and I stick to my decision. I will never change my mind about that decision.

The 27-year-old Henin had claimed 41 WTA titles, including 7 Grand Slams. (source: Tennis.com, photo: Stephane Martinache)


  1. Haha… you know I’ve always sat back and laughed at the extent to which a lack of ‘beauty’which is embodied by Sharapova or Ivanovic or whomever, increases appeal, and I’ve found that yes it obviously, naturally and innately does. Science has found that we are naturally attracted to objects of aesthetic beauty and symmetry, but going as far as libelling Justine- ‘doping suspension’ just because she doesn’t have the soft, feminine jaw that is so beautifully represented by Maria, or the warm, doe eyed of Ivanovic is going too far. This website advocates the appreciation of the game and those whom most quintessentially represent excellence, class and sportmanship and Justine is just that.

    Her comeback is an undisputed blessing for the sport which has been so dessicated in talent and quality since the Queen herself retired.

  2. I am 100% Justin is not making a comeback!! I am sure she is morally sturdy and would not do the opposite of what she proclaimed…

    My best memory of her was at the Rogers Cup in 2007 when JJ and Henin played in the finals…EPIC MATCH!

  3. How can RichF say he was tired of someone who played the most beautiful tennis on the tour. None of the other women come even close to Henin’s grace, skill and movement around court. She was outstanding and I really hope the rumours are true but I’m sceptical.

  4. I agree with you hebe her tennis was beautiful to watch..and i wish the news about her comeback were true but i hardly think she is coming back!!

  5. I meant Justine not Martina plus Momo plays better tennis than Justine.Justine was only dominant for six months in 07 I dont get the adulation,plus real champions dont quit.

  6. I sure hope Henin returns!!! She has such a great and humble game. I’d love to see her in contention once again (not to mention that backhand of hers is a piece of art). I’ll keep my fingers crossed.


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