Ana Ivanovic to play qualifying at Rogers Cup


The 2010 Rogers Cup in Montreal is favoring Canadian players over 2006 champion Ana Ivanovic when it comes to awarding wildcards and so the Grand Slam winner will have to play qualifying to get a spot in the main draw.

The brighter perspective is that Ana will add some spice to the qualifying rounds, but you have to feel some sadness when you read what Ana said two years ago: “In two years I’m gonna come back here and try to be eager to win again. Hopefully, you know, I’ll still have the good support.”

The former world No.1 Ivanovic is now ranked 65th, and her win-loss record this season is 11-12.


  1. I think she needs this. She needs to start from the beggining.She has to get her hopes low so the dissapointment will be smaller.But then again if she loses in one of the qualifying rounds, it will be disaster.

  2. Milan, imagine that! And it’s not impossible for her to lose in qualifying. I hope it won’t happen!

  3. Back with my venomous tongue and spitting acidic truth.

    A little sidetrack: I talked previously with Ms Marija and Miss Marine about how a player by winning a slam doesn’t mean the player is good = a one slam wonder. This is the case for the RG 10 winner. Can you retire after this season you annoying thing. The title has brought you prestige among your country men/women, first Italian woman to win a grand slam. I just find you unfunny and obnoxious, please go away.

    Back to the article: I find it comical that people think that this woman is in a slump, seriously? A slump? They mean to tell me the 101 years of suckness -and counting- of the MLB Chicago Cubs is a slump? Last time they won a world series was 1908 BTW. A tennis player can have a down year due to injuries or ailment. Federer had down year when he got mono, Del Portro’s wrist injury this year; but this is two years of sucking ass for Ivanovic. Kudos for the tournament organizers for not giving Ivanovic a wild card, ass and pretty face can get you so far. Perhaps she should have showed them her photograph portfolio and convince them otherwise. Why would they give her a wild card when her play and ranking nowadays says other wise.

  4. Ouch, that hurts… But according to rankings and her current performence, I have to say she deserves it. If tournament dirrectors kept giving her wildcards due to her previous achievments, she wouldn’t realise something serious is happening with her carrer. This will definitely be a breakmoment in her mental toughness. If she loose in qual. roands, it won’t be good..

  5. Just came back from vacation and I’m ready to start commenting again!

    It’s pretty sad that Ana needs to qualify, but I guess that is reality!

  6. Ana is a former champion here. She got disrespected big time. I don’t care what her ranking or form is. Does winning a title mean anything these days? basically Montreal just told a former champion of their event that winning here means nothing to us. Well, I honestly can’t take this tournament seriously anymore and if I were Ana, I would boycott it for life.

    And hey Carlos, you’re a hater. Get lost and take your venom elsewhere.

  7. Sidetrack 2 The Big Stuffed Bunny: By the way she played at RG QF and in the 4th round at Wimbledon, clearly The Stuffed Bunny needs a plan B. In both of this matches she looked like a deer caught in the headlights. In both of this matches you knew is was over after the first set. She should do a coaching change or hire someone that will give her an extra input. Her father did a wonderful job but I think is time to upgrade the coaching position.

    The acidic truth stings, doesn’t it? Not defending Francesca how come? Is she not pleasing to your eyes like Ana? Then again I’m going to ignore you, like I told you before Curtis, talking to you is like wrestling a pig, and when a person wrestles a pig all the person gets is muddied and the pig likes it. The last time I’m addressing to you.

  8. As an Ana fan, it’s tough that it’s come to this but it was going to happen eventually. It’s unfair that a tournament that she won won’t credit her past performance by granting her entry into the main draw but at the same time I agree with LuLinQa that she does deserve it. Playing in the qualifying rounds will be good for her, even if there is a possibility that she will lose in qualifying.

  9. Uhhh, sad but true. I expected that Ana will have to play qualifying for Cincinnati but I hoped that she will get WC for Montreal.
    Carlos if player win 1 GS maybe it doesn’t mean anything but if the player besides that play 2 GS finals, win Indian Wells, Montreal and some other tournaments it means that it is/was excellent player. And in the past two years she had a thumb and shoulder injuries.
    Anyway I wish her good luck in the next tournaments 🙂

  10. There are two or three sides to this story. On one side it is good that the Rogers Cup hasn’t given Ana a wildcard showing that they don’t give advantage to marketing (helping established players and pretty faces get into the tournament). But on the other side, it is disrespect towards Ana who is a former champion, and plus, look at the T-shirt she wore! The third thing is that Ana will have to climb back all by herself which will make her more mature and make her return stronger. Therefore, no matter how bad the situation is, Ana can benefit from not getting a wildcard this time.

  11. Hello Maja, yes it is a good resume but Ana has probably peaked out, at least that is my theory for explaining her decline. I have to add the off court distractions have kept her focus else where besides court play, which some of her fans angrily deny.

    As far as her injuries, in three different occasions Ana has given one explanation to later change and give another one. A couple of years ago in the Olympics she gave the thumb injury as the excuse for her withdrawal, later after the Olympics she change the excuse to “upper respiratory ailment”. She has given this excuse twice. In AO 10 she said one thing to later give another excuse after her participation. During USO (can’t remember the year) I believe it was 09 she said that she was injured to later change her story after her loss. My memory is fuzzy so excuse me if I didn’t get all the details or the correct dates; maybe Ms. Marija can help out. I’m not buying her injuries/excuses they seem desperate and shady. My rule of thumb -pardon the pun- is that injuries are part of the game.

    Sidetrack 3 Divapova: I’m still not sold on her. She played well at Wimbledon, but all the players she defeated before losing to Serena were players ranked outside the top 50. She played better then I expected against Serena, but lets remember that grass is Divapova’s favorite surface. I still have my reservations about her shoulder.

  12. Playing qualifying is her level right now, sad but true. She’d actually benefit from playing some smaller tournaments against players of a similar ranking to get some wins for confidence because she has none. If her ranking continues to drop she’s gonna have no choice but to drop down a level.

  13. Ms. Marija you tend to use old photos for your post, I thought this photo of Ana was from last year because she wore the same exact T-Shirt. Am I wrong?

  14. I get what some of carlos is saying and I sorta agree with it some of it. But i do think that Ana will get out of the qualifying round she has there is basically nobody they put in there who should give her a run for her money if she plays well heck
    names like Bethanie mattek who I like will probably have to play it to just to get in the main draw.
    I think she has a problem with coaching she used killer cahill and he said she doesn’t keep things in
    and doesn’t take advice well, so however this new coach of hers is going is sorta improvement I guess. I hope all the best of hers. I know this If Serena doesn’t play the US open, and Ana plays there I would love to see her have a run depending how well she does this summer…atleast make it past the 4th round granted she doesn’t get kim…

  15. Carlos you are wrong (I am talking about her injuries). Ana had thumb injury before Olympic games and the doctor of our Olympic team has advised her not to play. Because of respiratory infections she withdrew from the tournament in Beijing 2009 (before the it begin). And finally she didn’t mention any injury after elimination at AO10. That is all about Ana’s injuries (I promise).
    I think that she deserved WC much more than Stepanie Duboas because of her results in the past and she is now better player. Uhh and I hope that she will prove this.

  16. It is sad that player who won RG and Montreal and a former world number 1 didn’t get a WC. Stepanie Duboas will probably lose in the first round, who is she? is she tennis star like Ana…hmm no..(no offense Stepanie) and we all should agree that if Ana with WC have to play against Sharapova, Venus, Jelena it will be more intresting match then the match between Stepanie Duboas and same players???
    What would happen if Ana make samo great results in San Diego,Cicinnati or Stanford and she has ranking for the main draw? go ANA

  17. Ms. Maja hola again, I fighting foggy memory but I do remember on her official website giving a lame excuse for her loss at AO this year. Was it taken down? It is the only one excuse that I remember clearly. I do vaguely remember Ana giving different excuses on two other separate occasions, Ms. Marija could help out but she is mad at me (again 😛 ) so I guess she won’t. Check this story earlier in the year, fourth comment. My memory was less fuzzy then. I also remember Ana using the “upper respiratory ailment” excuse more than once. I believe you Ana use U.P.R. in Beijing 09, so I believe she use it in another occasion.

    One question, if Ana knew that she was injured before going to the Olympic games, why did she go there in the first place? Is it to say, “I was in the Olympic Games ceremony”. I didn’t buy the story “Ana will try to play” I had a gut feeling Ana knew she couldn’t play, but she wanted to be there so she said “I’ll try”. There is a reason I like JJ over Ana, even though I don’t like JJ’s big mouth, but she is more honest IMO.

  18. It’s sad that she has to start from square on there, but sadly, she’s had this slump of form for a while. I think she will go past qualifying and as a former champion she may surprise us all.

  19. Ana hasnt been a good player in two years and is always losing before qtrs,I think the canucks are right in giving a local girl a chance instead of wasting a WC on someone who loses early all the time.
    She is not going to recover until she swallows her pride and starts playing challengers to build confidence,I think a lot of players dont have respect for Ana and that includes JJ.
    Safina and Ana are done it will take a lot for them to recover .


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