Williams successfully starts her quest for her first International title

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Believe it or not, Serena Williams has never won an International-level title! This week at the Collector Swedish Open she’s aiming to add that achievement to her perfect tennis biography, playing an event of that caliber only for the sixth time in her career, and for the first time since 2009, while she has won an impressive number of 52 titles (all Premiers, Grand Slams, etc.).

Today, at the packed stadium of the $235,000 Bastad tournament, Serena advanced to the second round by beating Sesil Karatancheva, who boasts a win over Serena’s sister Venus, 6-1 6-2. Serena is now 24-0 on clay, perfect this season. Anna Tatishvili of Georgia will be her next opponent. (photo: chascow)


  1. This is the kind of news you don’t get anywhere else.

    I have only three comments. Thanks for getting up and coming to work to make this excellent blog.

    Somebody needs to invent a better word than Blog. Think. I come here and I find well written unbiased information that I do NOT get in the mainstream media. I can talk back to express my opinion and I am not censored or edited.

    Blog?! This is BETTER than television, cable, satellite or any newspaper in my city!

    Last, let’s get the latest update on the woman most important to tennis, excuse me, to all of sport — the inimitable cute, sultry and ridiculously lovable Jelena Jankovic.

    I’ve never met her. It’s probably a good thing. I’d do one of the following four things:

    Become visibly sexually excited.
    Lose track of what I’m saying and sound like an idiot.

    And worst of all — the reason why smart people say that you should NEVER meet a celebrity that you love and respect: JJ may look at me and not knowing how much I respect and admire her, ASSUME that it’s just some guy to be ignored or disrespected. She may say something that hurts and I will walk away scarred for life. I also worry that she may not like Black people. I know so little about Serbia (and should read more!) maybe she may not know that Black men are so wonderful and loyal and loving of Serbian right handed players with great tennis skills. :o)

    And when I say this I mean ALL Black men love JJ. I believe this is why Serena has such a rivalry with JJ. :o) Remember the 2008 US Open?


    Go JJ!

    Pretty woman. That’s you.

  2. Peter, thank you for the encouragement for the work I’ve been doing on Women’s Tennis Blog. 🙂


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