Just five months ago famous seducer of WTA players Radek Stepanek said that he was done with dating tennis players, but now we’re getting shocking news — not only is Radek again with a WTA player, he’s back with his ex-wife Nicole Vaidisova! Can this be real?
Radek announced that on his Facebook page, so it must be true.
My rough interpretation of Radek’s official statement is:
I’d like to share something personal with you. Nicole and I are again a couple, so when you see us together, don’t be surprised.
His full statement in Czech reads:
Informuji Vás tady, své fanoušky, o všem důležitém v mém životě, nejen v tom tenisovém. A tak se s vámi podělím i o jednu osobní záležitost. Jsme s Nicole opět pár, takže, až nás spolu potkáte, tak se nedivte.
Moreover, Vaidisova is no longer posting photos with her post-marriage boyfriend, rather, for Valentine’s Day she shared this pic on Instagram, leaving her chosen guy a mystery.
Radek was first engaged to Martina Hingis. Soon after their split in August 2007, he started dating hot rising star Nicole Vaidisova, who was then only 18 years old, and married her in 2010. In 2013, practically just as we heard that Nicole and Radek were devorcing, photos of the charmer kissing another tennis champion, Petra Kvitova, surfaced. In April 2014 that relationship was also brought to a close and now we hear that he’s back with Nicole.
I’m looking forward to seeing the development of this story and new photos of Radek and Nicole together. There can’t be a better addition to my WTA Players and their Love Partners series.
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