Graceful Kvitova brightens up the media with big smile at first press conference since attack

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petra-kvitovaToday in Prague Petra Kvitova made her first public appearance since the burglar attack in her Prostejov flat which left the Czech tennis star with a stabbed left hand that needed three hours and 45 minutes of surgery to get nerves repaired.

Apparently in distress, it’s evident how hard Petra is trying to look at the brighter side, be positive and strong, so laugh and a wide smile were present throughout her Friday’s press conference. With her hand heavily bandaged, Petra’s message was that she will focus all her energy on coming back to tennis as soon as possible. Good news is that she managed to move the fingers of her injured hand, describing it as the best Christmas present she could get.

I really admire Petra for her poise and strength! I’m wishing her a fast recovery and a successful resumption of her career. Although, I have to say I think the situation is very delicate. First of all, the playing level is so high that even players in great form struggle to make it to the top and stay there, so even a minor physical problem can be a big disadvantage. Secondly, mental consequences are very hard to overcome, as we saw in the case of Anna Chakvetadze, whose career never again took off after she was tied up by robbers in her Moscow house.

What do you think, how likely is Petra to come back as a fresh, strong player after the necessary minimum six months of recovery? (photo: Jimmie48)


  1. Petra was mentally fragile before the attack. Without appropriate intervention (which should be happening RIGHT NOW in order to successfully eliminate symptoms), she is, imo, very vulnerable. I just hope that someone in her circle knows how to find her competent help, and knows that the outcome depends largely on how soon she gets it.

  2. @Diane I don’t think petra is mentally fragile at all!! When she is determined she is one of the mentally strongest people I’ve seen

    It really makes me so unbelievably happy to see smiling petra first thing in the morning after waking up Hope she comes back really strong

  3. As Argentine I was one of those who thought that after 3 surgeries it was impossible for Del Potro to return to the circuit, today I’m glad to have been so wrong! I hope Petra recovers and can get back to his level, as Delpo did.

  4. I believe there will be a bless in disguise of this horrific injuries to Kvitova. She will get plenty of rest physically and mentally. Once she comes back, it will be a new fresh air and hunger for her. Just like Sharapova after her shoulder surgery. Hopefully..

  5. Agree with sru, I don’t regard Petra as mentally fragile at all! Hopefully, she’ll be back – and I believe she can and will do it.

  6. I really am glad that she is okay. I was shocked when I heard that she got attacked in her home. What is the world coming to. I am really glad that she is on the road to recovery after the surgery. I don’t think she will return to the circuit until at least April, maybe even later than that. I hope that she won’t suffer any mental side affects from the attack. She may not seem mentally fragile from what we have seen on the court, but attacks like this they can have a real challenge getting over the attack. I hope she will come back stronger.

  7. Petra is like Maria Sharapova, Kim Clijsters, Serena Williams, Venus Williams and Justine Henin.

    What do these ladies have in common? They are not just mere winners, they are champions.

    Winners are defined by their one victorious moment on a tournament but champions are defined how they remain victorious and rise up even after big storms like injuries, tragedies, scandals and traumas. They manage to come back at the top stronger than they were before and I believe Petra Kvitova is going to be the next on this list !


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