$6 million raised to help lower-ranked tennis players during coronavirus pandemic

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The disparity in financial gains between top tennis players and those further down the rankings has long been a discussion topic, but the COVID-19 outbreak made it a burning question, as something had to be done fast to help lower-ranked players survive this no-tennis period that also means their earnings are equal to zero while they don’t have sufficient savings to survive a lengthy layoff. The solution has finally come, in the form of a $6 million relief fund to be distributed among 800 WTA and ATP singles and doubles players.

“The creation of the player relief program is a positive demonstration of the sport’s ability to come together during this time of crisis,” the governing bodies of world tennis, including the ATP and WTA, along with the International Tennis Federation, said in a joint statement.

Players’ eligibility will be determined based on the rankings and past prize money earnings. The distribution of funds will be overseen by the WTA and ATP.


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